SFML 3 Released

SFML, the Simple and Fast Multimedia Library just released SFML 3. It has been over a decade since the SFML 2 release, and the 3.0.0 branch has been in development for over 3 years. The highlight feature of SFML 3 is the migration to C++ 17 (in fact C++ 17 is now required). Part of this migration includes a move away from custom data structures and to using standard C++ versions instead.

Details of the SFML 3 release from the SFML forum:

After close to 12 years since the last major version of SFML came up, it’s time for an upgrade! 
Three years in the making, with over 1’100 commits, 41 new contributors, and a lot of time invested, we want to thank each and everyone who helped make SFML 3 a reality. 
A massive thank you to Thrasher, who relentlessly pushed SFML 3 forward and has by far contributed the most time and effort-wise, with over 500 pull requests to his name alone! A special thank you also to SuperV1234 for laying the foundation early onto which SFML 3 was built. 🙌


  • SFML has finally been updated to support and use C++17 ⚙️
  • The test suite has been massively expanded to 57% code coverage 🧪
  • OpenAL has been replaced with miniaudio 🔊
  • New and improved event handling APIs ⌨️
  • Scissor and stencil testing 🖼️
  • And more…

See the changelog for more details.

Key Links

SFML Release Announcement

SFML 3 Full Change Log

SFML 3 Migration Guide

SFML Homepage


You can learn more about SFML, SFML 3.0 release and their move to C++ 17 in the video below.

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