Shiva is a 3D game engine with a full WYSIWYG editor that is programmed using the Lua language with the option of creating plugins using C++. Shiva 2.0 has been in beta development for quite some time now and they just released the most recent update, Beta 6.
Beta 6 brings several new features to the engine:
New Modules
Our module list continues to grow, and this release is no different. We have added many smaller supplementary modules such as SoundBank, AnimBank, PixelMap, RenderMap and Texture editors, waveform displays for Sounds and Music, as well as a Mesh viewer. The two main stars for this release however are the Particle and Trail modules, which allow you to create and modify particle-based effects and polygon-based trails respectively.
Engine Updates
Beta 6 includes important engine updates such as the recompiled SSL/Crypto library, which is now mandatory since Google cut support for Play Store apps using older and potentially insecure versions. In the wake of Microsoft’s push for a unified Windows platform (UWP), we have also expanded our WinRT target to include libraries for Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 and Windows 10. This has very interesting implications for the future, as it will open up the doors for a very low cost entry to all Microsoft platforms including Desktops, Phones and most importantly XBox One. A Proof of Concept video on XBox One development with these new ShiVa libraries will follow in the coming weeks.
VR support
We have also been working on SteamVR/VIVE support for ShiVa 2.0. A first beta plugin for the system is freely available from the ShiVa3DStore. If you have such a device at home or in your studio, we would be very curious to hear how it performs for you and listen to your suggestions on how to improve it!
Visual updates
Along with the new modules, we have reworked some of the editor visuals such as the main icon sets, layouts, code markup colors and gizmo visualization. Please let us know what you think of these changes!
You can read more about this release here.