Something odd is happening with comments…




If you have left a comment recently and it appears to be gone, or if you get notification of a comment that when you check it doesn’t appear to exist, don’t worry you are not alone!   Something screwy is going on and sadly it is outside of my control as comments are handled offsite by disqus.  For some reason it isn’t consistently showing new comments, although old comments appear to be working fine.  Hopefully it will be resolved soon.


In the meanwhile, rest assured I can see all of the comments are in fact intact on, so hopefully this is just a brief interruption.  If you want to contact me and comments remain down, you can email mike [@] gamefromscratch [dot] com.   Can you tell I’m sick of spambots? Winking smile


Hopefully this is a very short blip.


EDIT:  They appear to be back…. for now.


EDIT2: 11/6/2011, it’s happening again.  Pay no attention to the comment totals at the top of a post, click into the post to see if there are comments.  IF you made a comment and it disappeared, do not worry, it’s still there… somewhere.  I think I have erased two comments total since starting GFS, one was a racist diatribe and the other was a spam bot, so don’t worry, I didn’t erase it.

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