Stack O Bot Unreal Engine 5 Starter Project

Unreal Engine 5 entered early access in early 2021 and was released with the Valley of the Ancient demo that showcased the amazing new graphics in UE5. This demo however was not exactly an ideal introduction to developers and designers that wanted to learn how to use the new game engine. Thankfully there is now Stack O Bot, a vertical slice of gameplay that introduces developers to new UE5 features such as Lumens and Nanites and several other aspects as well.

Key features of Stack O Bot:

  • Full rigged, animated and controllable Character.
  • Control Rig and Fullbody IK setup for real time pose correction.
  • Use of world partition, Nanite, Lumen, Metasounds, and enhanced input system.
  • Expandable, component based, interaction system in Blueprints including several game elements.
  • Contains Niagara FX, physics assets, material functions for vegetation wind movement and much more.

Stack O Bot is available on the Unreal Engine Marketplace for download for Mac and Windows (the Mac version does not have Nanite support). This version is licensed only for use in Unreal Engine and predictably enough required UE5.

Key Links:

Stack O Bot On Unreal Engine Marketplace

Stack O Bot Learning Video

Unreal Engine 5 Portal

You can learn more about the Stack O Bot example and see it in action in the video below.

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