If you are a Steam user, you may have noticed that game development related tools have been popping up with increasing frequency. From 2D and 3D art packages, to script writing utilities and complete game engines, Steam is becoming increasingly mportant to indie developers. Not just as a place to sell their games, but as a source for the tools to make them. Also, and this is no small point, software on Steam tends to be a hell of a lot more affordable, especially with the frequent sales that occur.
As a direct result, I am going to start a new segment here on GameFromScratch, covering game development tools available on Steam. Right off the bat I am going to be looking at a pair of products, Fuse, then Substance Painter. For each product covered, I will do both a text and video overview. They will essentially be reviews, but without a score ( I am not a huge fan of scores, except for meta ratings ).
I will also favour products that are on sale, when I get the opportunity. This has a two fold purpose. First off, it’s products that are on sale that generally draw the most attention. Second, it’s a lot easier on my pocket book. On the same topic, if you make a game development tool that is available on Steam that you wish to see covered, sending me a key will certainly increase the odds I will look at it, although it won’t influence my conclusion in any way.
Is there a particular product on Steam that you’ve always been interested in learning more about? Got a product that’s available on Steam that you would like me to review? Either way, let me know! Hope this series proves to be interesting and useful.