The Best Game Development Frameworks in 2024

Let me start this by saying, there are no “best” game development frameworks. The value and use of a framework varies massively from project to project and developer to developer. That said, according to YouTube “Best Game Development Framework” is one of the most common questions and it’s not being answered. So today we are going to look at “some of the best” or at least, some of the most popular game development frameworks out there. We will look at both 2D and 3D and for a variety of programming languages.

2D Frameworks

SDL – Simple Direct MediaLayer – C + Many Languages

SFML – Simple and Fast Multimedia Library – C/C++ + Many Languages

Allegro – C + Many Languages Via 3rd Party Bindings

RayLib – C + Many Languages

Cocos2d-x – C/C++

LÖVE – Lua

LibGDX – Java/Kotlin

Phaser – JavaScript/TypeScript

HaxeFlixel – Haxe

MonoGame – C#/.NET


3D Frameworks

BabylonJS – JavaScript/TypeScript

ThreeJS – JavaScript/TypeScript

OGRE – C/C++ + 3rd Party Bindings

Panda 3D – Python/ C/C++

BGFX – C/C++ + Many Bindings

Bevy – Rust

Check out the video below on the “Best” Game Development Frameworks to learn more about all of the above frameworks. There are dozens of other frameworks that could have made this list and the lack of inclusion here is not an inditement on that quality of those frameworks! These are some of the most popular options out there, all have been vetted making complete games and if a good fit for your needs, each of these frameworks could be an excellent choice for your next game programming.

The creation of this video was sponsored by (and created using) Camtasia who are currently running a 48 hour 20% off flash sale. If you miss the sale and are interested in picking up Camtasia you can still use the code GAMEFROMSCRATCH at checkout for 15% off.

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