The Complete Concept Art Training Bundle by Learn Squared

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, specifically game artists, the Complete Concept Art Training Bundle by Learned Squared. The bundle actually contains courses on a variety of subjects beyond concept art including world building, character and outfit design, hard surface modelling and more. The bundle is organized into the following tiers:

5$ Tier
Armada Concept Art
Quick Concepts in Unreal

20$ Tier
Grounded Costume Design
Dynamic Concept Art I
3D Sequence Illustration
Concept Architecture
Cinematic Concept Design
Concepting in ZBrush
Intro to Environment Painting
UI and Data Design for Film

30$ Tier
Concept Art for Video Games
3D Character Art
Environment Concept Art
Concept Art in Unreal Engine 5
Dynamic Concept Art II
Hard Surface Design
Environment Design
Visual Storytelling
Designing Better Characters
Vehicle Concept Art
2D Sequence Illustration
Concept Art Hacks
Production Concept Art
World Building
Intro to 3D Concept Design
Futuristic Character Design
Narrative Concept Art

You can learn more about the Complete Concept Art Training Bundle by Learned Squared bundle in the video below. Using links on this page helps support GFS (and thanks so much if you do!) and if you have a trouble with opening the link, simply paste it into a new tab and it should work just fine.

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