Tiled, an open source 2D map editor, finally hit the 1.0 milestone release. As expected from a major point release, this one is loaded with new features. External tilesets, text objects, grouping of layers are perhaps the largest new features, there are however dozens more. If you are interested in learning more about Tiled, we have done a comprehensive set of tutorials to get you started.
Details from the release notes:
Many more improvements were made, here is the full list:
- Added support for editing external tilesets (#242)
- Added a text object with configurable font and wrapping (#1429)
- Added layer grouping (#1038)
- Added Tile.type and inherit tile object properties from the tile (#436, #1248)
- Added a start page
- Added selection of underlying objects with Alt modifier (by Yuriy, #1491)
- Added an option to disable safe writing of files (#1402, #1404)
- Added invert selection action (by Leon Moctezuma, #1423)
- Added support for isometric terrain overlays and tile collision objects (#419, #757)
- Added 180-degree symmetry mode to terrain brush with Alt modifier
- Added short and consistent map format names to use with –export-map (by Marce Coll, #1382)
- Added Swap Tiles action (by Alexander Münch, #866)
- Added tileset background color property (#227)
- Added 60 degree tile rotation support for hexagonal maps (by Victor Nicolaichuk, #1447)
- Added a check for duplicates when adding tiles (by Simião, #1227)
- Added option to run commands from menu as well as edit them (by Ketan Gupta, #943)
- Added custom shortcuts for commands (by Ketan Gupta, #1456)
- Added optional ID and Position columns to objects view (by i-ka, #1462)
- Added an executable picker for custom commands (by Ketan Gupta, #942)
- Added marching ants effect on selected objects (by Mohamed Thabet, #1489)
- Added all open tilesets to the Tilesets view
- Added auto-show/hide all views (Clear View) action (by erem2k, #563)
- Added minimap in the resizing dialog (by Yuriy, #1516)
- Added drag-n-drop support in Layers view (#178)
- Added support for storing object type definitions in JSON format (#1313)
- Added cut/copy/paste actions for custom properties (#515)
- Allow changing the tile of tile objects (by Mohamed Thabet, #409)
- Allow selecting a folder to fix multiple broken links at once
- Added support for dragging external tilesets into the Tilesets dock
- Added support for dragging images into image collection tilesets
- Write out Tiled version in TMX/JSON “version” attribute (#1416)
- Remember last view on map also for closed files (#905)
- Remember tileset zoom level in the tileset editor (by Artem Sharganov, #408)
- Change current layer depending on selected objects (by Glavak, #1424)
- Improved support for using Tiled on HiDpi screens
- Improved the behavior of the tile selection tool
- Made Ctrl+D duplicate objects instead of deleting them
- Use an eye icon instead of a checkbox for layer visibility (by Ketan Gupta, #1127)
- JSON tileset: Save width/height of individual tile images
- Linux: Added MIME type for tileset files
- Fixed hexagonal rotation of tile stamps (by Bdtrotte, #1476)
- Fixed handling of broken tile references, which now render as a red marker
- Fixed manual reloading of images for image collection tilesets
- Fixed Offset Layers tool to wait until mouse is moved
- Fixed current stamp to always update when a tile is clicked
- Fixed handling of pinch gestures (#1305)
- Fixed flipping a group of objects to work like expected (by Vitek1425, #1475)
- Fixed stamp brush to work better on staggered maps (by Bdtrotte)
- Fixed objects offsetting while resizing (by Acuion, #1518)
- Fixed fill tool for hexagonal maps (#883)
- Fixed potential crash in Terrain Brush
- Windows: Fixed menus when using OpenGL in full screen mode (#1576)
- Windows: Added Sticker Knight and Python example scripts to installer (#819)
- Windows: Fixed bringing existing Tiled window to foreground (#1256)
- AutoMapping: Fixed object groups always getting added
- AutoMapping: Improved map boundary handling (by Stefan Beller, #1224)
- AutoMapping: Apply custom properties set on output layers
- terraingenerator: Made the amount of columns configurable
- terraingenerator: Copy tile properties from the source tilesets
- Added Ukrainian translation (by Olexandr Nesterenko)
- Added Hungarian translation (by Balázs Úr)
- Added Finnish translation (by ekeimaja)
- Updated Bulgarian, Dutch, French, German, Russian, Spanish and Turkish translations
You can learn more about and download tiled here.