The Unity game engine just got another stable version release, Unity 2019.2. As always it is available for download right now using the Unity Hub. Unity 2019.2 contains over 170 new features and enhancements including updates to the ProBuilder and PolyShape plugins, a new 2D lightweight renderer supporting dynamic 2D lights, ShaderGraph updates and much more.
In this release we got much more comprehensive release notes, split across several files.
- Unity 2019.2 Announcement on Unity Blog
- What’s New For Artists and Designers
- What’s New For Programmer Tools and Features
- What’s New For Platforms and Editor
- What’s New For Graphic Features
- Complete Release Notes
Or you can watch the video below to learn more about this release. If you want to experiment with the new lightweight 2D renderer and lighting options you can start by cloning this project that was used in the video.