Unity 2022.2 tech stream was released today. Unity have moved to a bi-annual release schedule with one release, the LTS or Long Term Support release, focusing on stability, while the Tech Stream release focuses primarily on adding new features.
Highlights of the Unity 2022.2 Tech Stream Release include:
- ECS, or Entity Component System, is finally considered ready for production use. This includes features such as Entities, Burst Compiler, Jobs System and ECS specific networking and physics libraries.
- Improved editor extensibility with UI Toolkit coming to near feature parity with IMGUI. Additionally there are improved spline tools and APIs as well as vector graphics apis as well, which should make plugin/addon creators lives better.
- Graphical improvements including a new water and cloud systems, Forward + Rendering with more lights supported, the new Shader Graph Full Screen Master Node for full screen special effects and much more.
- Support for a new network library in the form of NetCode for GameObjects, joining the existing NetCode for Entities, which combined with additional Unity Game Services (lobbies, matchmaking, etc.) should make creating networked games easier
- Several other new features, improvements and bug fixes.
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You can learn more about the Unity 2022.2 Tech Stream release in the video below.