Unity Launch “Unity Connect” Beta


The news of the day out of Unity’s Unite Developer Conference is no doubt the Unity price changes.  However there were a few other announcements during this rather lackluster keynote.  Some talk about Unity Ads, AR/VR and various web services but perhaps the gem of the announcement is the Unity Connect beta.  From the Unity blog:

Lastly, we introduced Unity Connect, a new talent marketplace bringing together Unity artists, developers and creators with opportunities at studios and Connectcompanies of all sizes. Users can establish a professional presence, message others, and discover jobs and projects. Studios in need can quickly and easily find developers with the just the right skillset. Unity Connect is currently in closed beta, but you can pre-register for the next beta phase here: http://response.unity3d.com/ConnectBeta


This is an interesting move.  Essentially Unity Connect is going to serve as a middle man for job seekers and employers looking for Unity work(ers).  Coupled with their recently launched Unity Certification Program it’s quite clear Unity wants to build an ecosystem around their software.  Frankly it makes a great deal of sense and is a great opportunity for Unity to increase customer lock in, while at the same time providing a service to both developers and creators.  The service is in closed beta now, but it will be interesting to see how this all turns out.

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