The Unity game engine just received another patch, this one 5.4.2p1. The contents of this patch include:
- Graphics: When graphics jobs are enabled added an Assert to detect recursion e.g. a graphics job runs inside another graphics jobs.
- Unity IAP: Support transaction receipt logging for all store platforms.
- VR: Update Oculus to version 1.9 .
- (823935) – 2D: Fixed an issue with UV rounding errors when using the OverrideGeometry method on sprites.
- (none) – Android: Added “Mute Other Audio Sources” option to Android player settings in editor.
- (825442) – Android: Buildpipe – Fixed splitting files for OBB.
- (807983) – Android: By default lower volume of the background audio instead of muting it.
- (826201) – Android: Return internal temporary cache and persistent data paths when external paths are unavailable.
- (822232) – Animation: Fixed a bug where deactivating a GameObject with an attached Animator might cause a crash.
- (832996) – D3D11: Take into account ColorSpace (linear/gamma) when capturing screenshots.
- (819770) – Editor: Fixed a crash when deleting GameObject with ScrollView component.
- (819900) – Editor: Fixed drag’n’drop a shader onto a material not setting the correct shader keywords but choosing the shader from the material UI shader drop down would set them correctly.
- (815720) – Editor: TargetInvocationException error no longer appears when importing Windows Store Apps plugins.
- (828380) – Graphics: Fixed GPU instancing not working with procedurally generated meshes.
- (829694) – Graphics: Prevent RendererScene modifications from within OnPreRender callbacks, similar to other callbacks.
- (834633) – IL2CPP: Use the no-strict-overflow flag to compile generated C++ code on gcc and clang based compilers so that we match the integer overflow behavior of C#.
- (none) – iOS: Fixed run loop mode warning on iOS 10 devices.
- (819351) – MAC OS X: Fixed Codesigning for Editor Build to prevent firewall from asking multiple times for permission.
- (819813) – OpenGL: Prevent Windows editor crash when opening old project that had legacy OpenGL selected.
- (833783) – Rendering: Fixed incorrect batching of Renderers with different PropertyBlocks.
- (819962) – Scripting: Fixed TransformDirection and InverseTransformDirection operations being affected by scale.
- (766144) – Scripting: Fixed a crash on Invoke(null, …).
- (833425) – Shaders: Fixed a potential crash when calling GetShaderSettingsForPlatform on Windows.
- (720704) – Shaders: Fixed some cases of inout struct variables with COLOR semantic members wrongly translating into GLES2.0.
- (828454) – Shaders: Added fixes to tessellation shader compilation on OpenGL and OpenGL ES.
- (none) – Tizen: Added Showing loading indicator in Tizen.
- (833452) – tvOS: Added support for top shelf wide image.
- (none) – UnityAnalytics: Fixed an invalid userId issue on WebGL.
- (825429) – UnityWebRequest: Allow setting Accept-Encoding header at users own risk.
- (775178) – WebGL: UnityWebRequest.downloadProgress now returns the actual progress as opposed to 0.
- (none) – WebGL: Fixed Code Blob memory leak.
- (829648) – Windows Store Apps: Location services can be enabled or disabled while the app is still running.
- (835218) – Windows Store Apps: Player preferences are no longer lost between game sessions.
- (none) – Windows: Added safety check when receive new window size with zero values, make minimum value 1, otherwise functions like CreateDepthStencilView will fail.
As always the patch is available for download on Windows and Mac right here.