Unity Release FPS Sample

At the Unite LA developer conference, Unity just announced the release of a new cutting edge AAA quality multiplayer FPS sample.  The sample is available on Github, be aware you require git LFS support to be installed before you clone the repository.  Also be forewarned, the repository is huge, at least 18GB in size!  So what do you get in the sample?

Details from the Unity blog:

  • 1 fully populated arena level, including high-quality assets for HDRP
  • 2 fully rigged characters with 4 unique weapons
  • Up to 16 players
  • Deathmatch and Assault game modes
  • Support for PC with more platforms scheduled to follow
  • FPS netcode based on an authoritative  server architecture

The source code is released under the Unity Companion License instead of a standard open source license, so be sure to give that a read before continuing.  You need to have Unity 2018.3 installed to use this example, and it uses the HDRP pipeline, so a solid graphics card is also recommended.  Have some patience when first running and building the project, it is large and will take a significant amount of time the first time you build and run the project.  At least for now, due to a bug in the 2018.3 Unity beta, please do be aware of the following additional steps you need to perform to run the sample.

  1. Search for t:prefab in the Project search field. Then click on the first prefab and shift+click on the last to select them all. Right click and select Reimport.
  2. Search for t:model in the Project search field. Repeat the same steps as for prefabs to reimport them all.
  3. IF you are on a version older than beta 6, you may have had a few crashes during import. In that case you need to find GooRocket and GooRifle in project, right click and select Reimport.

You can see the FPS Sample in action and learn more about using it in this video, also embedded below.  The video was recorded on a i7 7700 with 16GB of RAM and a 1080 GPU running in Windowed mode at 1080p on Ultra graphics settings.

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