Unity have released another patch, this one 5.4.2p2. Contains fixes in the areas of graphics, particles, physics and iOS. Details from the release notes:
- IL2CPP: Android – improved building performance.
- iOS : Exposed ReplayKit streaming APIs to user scripts.
- (818174) – Android: Fixed a case of audio stutter when launching Android player from a notification on the lockscreen.
- (826047) – Animation: Fixed erroneous “Playable was not Disposed” being displayed.
- (824009) – Asset Bundles: Fixed the assetBundle property of AssetBundleCreateRequest so that it stalls instead of returning null when the bundle is not yet ready
- (808412) – Collaborate: Fixed a bug where double-click on “Show differences” icon for a local change in Collaborate toolbar cause a crash.
- (832097) – Editor: Fixed an issue with addition of duplicate references of auxiliary platform-specific editor DLLs to editor C# project.
- (793204](https://issuetracker.unity3d.com/product/unity/issues/guid/793204/)) – Editor: Fixed the errors when capturing screen or sending images to remote.
- (807375) – Editor: Fixed the icon quality regression caused by unnecessary scaling step.
- (814484) – Editor: Improved performance of SetParent in deeply nested UI panels.
- (832292) – Graphics : Updated shader macros to support lod + sampler variations for texture cubes and arrays.
- (808298) – Graphics: Fixed a crash in CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer because of a NULL or inactive camera.
- (825082) – Graphics: Nullify RECT in case GetClientRect fails so we don’t have trash in RECT.
- (840596) – IL2CPP: A call to GetCurrentMethod in a generic method should return the generic method definition, not the inflated generic instance method.
- (837974) – IL2CPP: Fixed generated C++ code not compiling when calling Math.Abs on an unsigned integer.
- (838259) – IL2CPP: Return an empty array from GetGenericArguments when it is called on a MethodInfo object from a non-generic method. Previously the runtime incorrectly threw an assert in this case.
- (820692) – iOS: Fixed a performance regression by resizing the constant pool adaptively on Metal.
- (820885) – iOS: Fix a race condition when changing resolution on startup on Metal.
- (820938) – iOS: Fix bug in retrieving of certain values of IScore larger than 32 bits.
- (808537) – iOS: GameCenterPlatform.ShowLeaderboardUI now shows the specific leaderboard when requested (note, the symptoms are still observable on iOS 8.4 and 9.x due to a bug in the OS itself).
- (801369) – iOS: ILeaderboard.LoadScores now does callback if SetUsersFilter is called.
- (815816) – Kernel: Fixed local scale of duplicate game object not matching original local scale of game object if parent has rotation set.
- (829178) – OSX: Fixed a crash on startup when OpenGL2 is used.
- (825180) – Particles: Don’t allow prewarm on non-looping systems.
- (833513) – Particles: Fixed a crash when using uninitialised curves.
- (837680) – Particles: Fixed an issue when rendering during OnPreRender using RenderWithShader.
- (819881) – Particles: Prevent restarting particle system when parent transform moves in the editor.
- (833737) – Physics 2D: Ensure that BoxCollider2D.Cast correctly detects a multi-edge EdgeCollider2D.
- (820300) – Physics 2D: Ensure that BoxCollider2D/PolygonCollider2D with large vertex but small area is created correctly.
- (830078, 819705) – Shaders: Fixed some cases of unsupported shader variants leading to a crash.
- (829326, 818524) – Trails: Fixed an occasional TrailRenderer crash when using Clear script API.
- (826310) – UI: Fixed an issue where the Disabled Trigger animation was triggered on hovering over a Button when this was not Interactable.
- (834148) – UnityWebRequest: DownloadHandlerAssetBundle will become done once download finishes.
- (834583) – UnityWebRequest: Fixed a crash when downloaded asset bundle had zero size.
- (837783) – Windows: Fixed potential lock when in fullscreen exclusive mode and minimising/maximising screen.
As always, the patch can be downloaded here.