Following fast on the release of Unity 5.5, Unity 5.5.0P1 was just released. As always the patch is available for download here. As should be expected after a new major release, there are a number of fixes and improvements in this patch.
- Graphics: An assert message is now shown in the console for platforms that don’t support linear rendering with OpenGL ES API.
- macOS/iOS/tvOS: Enhancement to allow developers to use Xcode’s manual signing paradigm by specifying a provisioning profile in Player Settings.
- Metal: Improved handling of transparent rendering after post-opaque image effects when using MSAA.
- Shaders: Optimized in-editor import, load time and memory usage for shaders with massive amounts of potential variants.
- Unity Ads: Updated native binaries to version 2.0.6.
- (855550) – Test Runner: Removed script templates for test runner (as it is not released).
- (833396) – AI: Fix for “!InCrowdSystem” and “!handle.IsValid()” errors seen in console when calling Warp and enabling a disabled NavMeshAgent.
- (854739) – Android: Fixed auto-rotation on Android 4.1 and older.
- (845646) – Android: Input.backButtonLeavesApp = true now exits gracefully.
- (824462) – Android: The platform setting for Android plugins now defaults to “Android” instead of “Any Platform”.
- (793711) – Asset Import: Fixed an issue where deleting asset labels manually from .meta files would not be picked up by the editor.
- (668043, 837519) – Asset Pipeline: Fixed an issue where asset and timestamp maps could get out of sync.
- (741525) – AssetBundles: Fixed redundant asset bundles rebuild when external dll changes.
- (853618) – Build Pipeline: VR Splash Screen texture will no longer be included when building a project for a non-VR platform.
- (836131) – Collab: Fixed case of sign-in window getting stuck when launched from the toolbar menu.
- (791434) – Core: Fixed hangs in the job system when running on certain platforms with a low number of cores e.g. older Windows Phones, UWP dual core machines.
- (849022) – Editor: Fixed case of some properties being set to a single value when entering multi select mode for Trails and Lines.
- (849138) – Editor: Fixed disappearing tab when closing 3 or more of them successively.
- (857037) – Editor: Fixed NullReferenceException when undocking preview window.
- (833866) – Editor: Tweaked the output of the generated Visual Studio solution file to better match Visual Studio standard format, in order to fix problems opening Unity generated projects with Rider GUI.
- (805221, 605171) – Graphics: Disabled GPU skinning on GL and GLES based graphics APIs for desktop & mobiles.
- (821298) – Graphics: Fix to ensure that ETC1 alpha split option only shows for ETC1 4bit format in texture importer.
- (846989) – Graphics: Fixed a crash during shutdown when using the DX9 graphics API.
- (829120) – Graphics: Fixed a problem where the Windows standalone would appear on a different display from that selected in the game launcher.
- (840897) – Graphics: Fixed a problem with objects not rendering after resolution changes or entering/exiting fullscreen when using DX9 graphics API.
- Graphics: Fixed case of the Windows player build being disabled when using linear rendering and OpenGL ES graphics API in the editor.
- (849671) – Graphics: Fixed lightmap decoding in the editor when the target platform is mobile.
- (823371) – Graphics: Fixed the GPU Profiler to work in the MacOS Editor using the GLcore graphics API. Can only profile a single game window whilst it is in play mode.
- (825046, 824894) – Graphics: Fixed warped lens flare and halo effects when not in stereo.
- (850383) – IL2CPP: A more useful error message is now returned from IL2CPP when trying to build a WebGL project with the Facebook SDK.
- (852445) – IL2CPP: Added proper support for a class that is marshalled as a field of another class or struct, including the proper return value for a call to Marshal.Sizeof in this case.
- (846956) – IL2CPP: Added support for managed stack traces on Android.
- (849701) – IL2CPP: Corrected a crash that can occur in the player when a virtual method is called on a value type and that value type implements an interface which has an overload of that virtual method.
- (845666) – IL2CPP: Corrected managed stack traces when Xcode 8 is used to build on iOS with link-time optimization enabled.
- (847838) – IL2CPP: Fix to prevent a compiler error in generated C++ code when calling Interlocked.CompareExchange from some managed code.
- (845174) – IL2CPP: Fix to prevent a stack overflow exception in the player at run time when an infinitely nested generic method is used.
- (853468) – IL2CPP: Fixed an issue with attribute classes that have overridden properties.
- (849072) – IL2CPP: Implemented the array SetValue method for arrays of nullable types.
- (851098) – IL2CPP/Android: Fixed issue where the error output from the compiler/linker was not captured.
- (820587) – Lighting: Fixed a problem with reflection probes updating during runtime even when “Refresh Mode” was set to “Via Scripting”.
- (812479) – Multiplayer: Fixed InvalidOperationException when selecting NeworkManager in Hierarchy for the first time.
- (719672) – Networking: Fix to prevent using a packet size greater than defined in global config.
- (837602) – Particles: Added animation support for simulation speed property.
- (849084) – Particles: Fixed occasional crash when using external forces module.
- (835334) – Physics: Continuously setting Rigidbody2D ‘bodyType’ or ‘IsKinematic’ to the same value should not cause contact recalculations; this can cause instabilities.
- (850059) – Physics: Fixed an accuracy issue where a capsule would jitter and bounce erratically after being placed on top of a scaled mesh at specific locations when the PCM collision mode was enabled.
- (853163) – Physics: Scaling a CapsuleCollider2D using a Transform component scale in X or Y of zero in the inspector no longer causes a warning in the console.
- (801761) – Prefabs : Fixed an issue where a prefab instance could be incorrectly marked inactive when first loading a scene.
- (836589) – Profiler: Fixed isse where taking a detailed memory snapshot did not work in some circumstances.
- (759338) – Scripting: Fixed case of WaitForSeconds waiting forever when receiving NaN as the parameter.
- (850350) – Scripting: Fixed MonoDevelop build errors when building UnityScript and Boo projects.
- (825418) – Shaders: Automatically upgrade any shaders using unity_SpecCube1. This fixes unity_SpecCube1 related shader compile errors after a project upgrade.
- Shaders: Fixed a problem when compiling shaders using windows style directory separator (“”) in #include paths and compiling on MacOS.
- (814063, 812479) – Shaders: Fixed a rare problem on DX11 with NaNs happening during the depth pass of forward rendering mode, resulting in shadow artefacts.
- (844355) – Shaders: Fixed a shader compiler crash for shaders which had extra “}” tokens in them.
- (825408) – Shaders: Fixed crash when compiling very complex surface shaders. Optimised the memory usage during surface shader compilation.
- (829162) – Substance: Fixed case of ProceduralTexture inspector preview sometimes showing invalid size and format.
- (840177) – Substance: Fixed case of SubstanceArchive inspector unselecting ProceduralMaterials after being renamed.
- (842999) – Substance: Fixed crash when loading a substance with corrupted data,
- (840181) – Substance: Fixed issue where the emission shader parameter was not properly set on import when emission global illumination was set to realtime.
- (819300) – UI: Fixed jittery movement when scrolling ScrollRect.
- (826626) – UnityWebRequest: Fixed case of incorrect Content-Type request header for multipart form data in POST requests.
- (851921) – UnityWebRequest: Fixed case of POST requests not working with empty data.
- (850018) – UnityWebRequest: Fixed issue where escaped characters in URL would get unescaped.
- (657131) – VCS: Fixed null reference exception that could occur after resolving an asset (e.g. prefab) whilst the asset is selected and displaying in the inspector.
- (824508) – VR: Fixed a memory leak when using a canvas and VRFocus is lost.
- (851967) – VR: Fixed an issue where only the shadows from the first light would render in both eyes when using single pass instancing.
- (851891) – VR: Fixed case of error shader rendering in one eye only when using single pass instancing.
- (845179) – VR: Fixed crash when checking for Stereo VR Device during build.
- (822480) – Windows Store: Fixed duplicate assembly warning when building Universal 8.1.
- (820871) – Windows: Fixed issue where Application.systemLanguage would return the region language rather than the UI language.
Correct me if I am wrong here, but didn’t Unity just blow their naming convention. Should the patch version not be 5.5.1p1? As in, it’s the first patch on the way to the 5.5.1 release?