Unity have just released patch 5.5.0p4. No new functionality but it contains a large number of fixes:
- (858785) – Analytics: Fixed occasional windows editor crash on shutdown.
- (827110) – Android: Disabled fence sync on poor performing drivers.
- (855603, 859268) – Android: Fixed a crash when reloading or resuming scene which uses WebCamTexture.
- (848830) – Android: Fixed an exception when trying to build to a non-existent path.
- (845080) – Android: Fixed an issue where pausing during the splash screen would cause sprites to be black.
- (855612) – Android: Gradle build and project export now support icon override.
- (803872) – Android: Post process now executed before app is pushed to device.
- (855545) – Animation: Fix for a crash using Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets with Animators caused by orphaned references.
- (858208) – AR: Fixed a crash when exiting play mode during a Holographic Simulation session.
- (848920, 858080, 860956) – Asset and Scene Management: Fixed a bug where importing multiple native DCC source files resulted in the contents of imported prefabs randomly switching places.
- (849875) – Collab: Fixed an issue whereby the collab toolbar continued to have ‘sign in’ button even after signing in from the collab tool bar.
- (859350) – Editor: Fixed an editor crash when switching platforms on a command line build.
- (none) – Editor: Fixed local cache server not working if there were spaces in the path to the Unity Editor executable.
- (858043) – Editor: Fixed Sprite Editor not always grid slicing fully black sprites correctly.
- (793891) – Editor: Fixed launching Unity getting stuck on a grey screen for a minute or longer when your internet connection is bad.
- (834243) – Editor: Fixed the issue that personal user is able to skip a mandatory survey.
- (857504) – Editor: Fixed the splash screen ‘Preview’ button showing the NoiseModule preview texture.
- (828286) – Editor: Reduced heap allocations for each frame when rotating the scene view in the editor.
- (849376) – Graphics: Fixed a bug when importing Alpha8 textures which didn’t import them as a single channel texture.
- (852116) – Graphics: Fixed a crash during texture importing if the import failed.
- (853722) – Graphics: Fixed a crash during texture importing if the texture format wasn’t supported by the platform.
- (825464) – Graphics: Fixed console error generated when using WWW.movie to create a movie texture.
- (767034) – Graphics: Fixed errors spamming the console when performing GPU profiling on a DX11 Standalone build.
- (none) – Graphics: Fixed the GPU Profiler in standalone mode.
- (732380) – Graphics: Stopped rendering projectors twice if there is any transparent object visible to the camera.
- (849356) – Graphics: Stopped the texture importer ignoring pure white Alpha channels by default. It is now a user option to choose to ignore it.
- (810286) – iOS: Fix 2nd stage splash on iPhones with landscapeRight orientation
- (856989) – iOS: Fixed crash in application:openURL:sourceApplication:annotation due to missing null check with Facebook SDK.
- (831195) – iOS: Removed extra offset in constraint in default launchscreens.
- (851764) – Lighting: Only clear the lighting progress bar when lighting is in progress. Stops lighting system accidentally closing other (non-lighting) progress bars.
- (867312) – Metal: Fixed a memory leak when loading scene.
- (807091) – Multiplayer: Fixed hostmigration sync issue.
- (853316, 826931) – Multiplayer: Made sure isLocalPlayer works as expected on OnDestroy.
- (none) – Networking: Skip proxy check when using the “file://” protocol on Windows.
- (828188) – Physics: Display message in Inspector for Rigidbody2D when auto-mass is used on a Prefab or an inactive object.
- (829769) – Physics 2D: Ensure that Rigidbody2D interpolation is reset if the Transform rotation is changed.
- (715922) – Physics 2D: Fixed some 2D polygon outlines that were almost collinear causing collision detection problems.
- (764734) – Shadows: Fixed a memory leak and assert when shadows are cast from lights with specific properties and in a specific scene setup.
- (857270) – Substance: Fixed a crash when compressing small non-square textures to ETC with ‘fast’ quality.
- (none) – Test: Corrected CHECK_EQUAL parameter and added another check for validation call count.
- (856733) – UI: Fixed a curve preview cache not updating preview if curve data had changed but not the bounds.
- (845756) – UI: Fixed a NullReferenceException when changing font to none.
- (861467) – VCS: Don’t attempt to connect to a Perforce server if any of the following parameters are unset: Server, User or Client.
- (none) – VR: Fixed the usage of VRSettings.renderViewportScale in Camera’s OnPreCull so that it was not a frame latent on all supporting SDKs. Fixed issues with Valve’s Renderer adaptive quality feature.
- (858634) – VR: Y-Axis Range For VR Controllers now match XBox controllers
- (759286, 782587) – WebGL: Disabled deferred rendering on webgl1.0.
- (850383) – WebGL: Fixed build with improperly tagged plugins
- (none) – WebGL: Fixed Content-Length header field for local web server response that caused some audio files to have .duration == inf or zero. This was not reproducible with the normal workflow but could occur with a specific asset store plugin for webgl audio streaming.
As always, the patch is available for download here.