Another preview release of Unreal 4.11 has been released, this one with some significant new animation functionality.
With the fifth Preview release of 4.11 now available to download from the launcher, developers can now check out the new animation updates including; marker based syning for animations and Anim Dynamics Skeletal Control for Animation Blueprints (a brand new self-contained and simple physics simulation node allowing for dynamic motion to be procedurally added to skeletal meshes without having to use a full physics solution),
Of course, this release also brings several bug fixes, including:
Fixed! UE-23373 [CrashReport] Crash occurs opening some animations – TSharedMapView<FName,FString>::Find()
Fixed! UE-26336 Crash importing a skeletal mesh while the same mesh is open in Persona
Fixed! UE-26230 Selecting a component on an instance crashes the editor.
Fixed! UE-26203 Crash Occurs When Using Move Component To and Overlap Event
Fixed! UE-26103 CLONE – Right clicking text fields causes window to shrink
Fixed! UE-26004 Crash when redoing a paste of a copied event node
Fixed! UE-25677 Unable to package code projects for HTML5 emcc link command line is very long
Fixed! UE-25571 Can’t Launch On or Package code templates on iOS
Fixed! UE-25593 UnrealHeaderTool does not detect program plugins enabled by default
Fixed! UE-25332 Can’t paste a hierarchy of UMG widgets into a Panel widget after deleting previous child
Fixed! UE-26466 PhysX libraries version mismatch
Fixed! UE-26547 Crash in editor while compiling in Event Graph (One off crash)
Fixed! UE-26432 Memory leak in instanced static mesh (e.g. foliage) lightmap building
Fixed! UE-25948 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!NewObject<UGameInstance>() [uobjectglobals.h:1130]
Fixed! UE-24553 Auto Convex Collision will cause crash when using significantly small meshes
Fixed! UE-25006 Merge bug fix for Vertex Colors in UI Materials into 4.11
Fixed! UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
Fixed! UE-24038 Setting ComponentTick as a Hide Category in an Actor Component Blueprint corrupts the BP and causes a crash when opened after an editor restart
Fixed! UE-26134 Add missing GetNoAffinityMask
Fixed! UE-26129 OpenRead of a file in OBB but outside of a PAK starts with wrong seek location
Fixed! UE-26112 Widget Component blurry in when set to masked
Fixed! UE-26106 AddToPlayerScreen not respecting camera aspect ratio lock
Fixed! UE-26033 Blueprints: SPaletteItemVisibilityToggle crashing on a bogus weakobject pointer
Fixed! UE-26021 SOverlay will not call paint for a child slot if that slot’s rectangle does not intersect the overlay’s clipping rectangle
Fixed! UE-26005 Undoing and redoing the addition of an add component node creates an invisible node in the blueprint graph
Fixed! UE-25989 PhysX crash closing QAGame on Mac
Fixed! UE-25932 Making changes to a character’s variables in the constructor is not updating correctly
Fixed! UE-25905 CouchKnights fireball fires twice
Fixed! UE-25850 Launch on Apple TV fails due to version mismatch
Fixed! UE-25688 Some ContentExamples maps have player start outside level boundary
Fixed! UE-24584 CRASH: User Defined Structs can have object references in a Map be set on the structure
Fixed! UE-25599 [CrashReport] Auto-Convex Collision Generation crashing with specific Mesh
Fixed! UE-25506 Vehicle Template’s dashboard view camera on ground in VR
Fixed! UE-25550 The diff tool causes crashes
Fixed! UE-25507 Vehicle Advanced Template’s dashboard view camera on ground in VR
Fixed! UE-25367 Camera position too low in ShowdownVRDemo Cinematic
Fixed! UE-25333 Mac project packaged in Shipping does not have a UE4 icon
Fixed! UE-25235 Collision volumes don’t keep their color in cooked game
Fixed! UE-21503 Importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same texture will not assign correctly
Fixed! UE-26298 In 4.11.0-preview-3 FBox2D is not backward compatible
Fixed! UE-25411 Tappy Chicken does not display a numerical score on iOS
Fixed! UE-22118 Renaming component causes Engine/Transient save error
Fixed! UE-25848 Dbuffer Decals only render in one eye in stereoscopic with instanced stereo
Fixed! UE-26277 Infinite loop in SMultiLineEditableText::MoveCursor when using Ctrl+Up/Down
Fixed! UE-23921 Crash when setting a structure’s variable to a custom enum named Color
Fixed! UE-25747 StrategyGame and Sun Temple levels render as black on the several Mobile devices
You can download the preview release using the Epic launcher. Of course, there be dragons with these releases, so it’s for the brave or foolish only.