A second preview release for Unreal Engine 4.12 has been released. Once again this is a preview release, so expect some bugs and instability. According to Epic:
This release comes with updates and new features for rendering, such as improved high quality reflections, an update for the Dual Coat shader model (to now specify a second normal map for the surface below the clearcoat layer) and support for realtime planar reflections.
There are of course several bug fixes in this release as well:
Fixed! UE-30024 Crash when connecting to Source Control
Fixed! UE-30110 Opening blueprint debugger crashes editor
Fixed! UE-29940 Crash during Garbage Collection in travel mode
Fixed! UE-29774 Crash scrubbing sequence after being recorded
Fixed! UE-30096 Compiling a Code project for Shipping or Test Fails
Fixed! UE-25715 Crash when changing a Play Node’s “Sequence” to a Montage
Fixed! UE-29131 Particle effects can freeze before terminating
Fixed! UE-25215 Crash opening ConcurrencyBug level – FArchiveFileReaderGeneric::InternalPrecache()
Fixed! UE-29876 Character mesh is not visible in packaged third person project
Fixed! UE-30099 Translucent instanced static meshes drawing incorrectly with ISR on.
Fixed! UE-30087 Crash when dismissing multiple menus
Fixed! UE-30085 Loading Screens Play Before PreLoadMap Finishes
Fixed! UE-30084 UMG Fixed aspect ratio doesn’t size right side correctly
Fixed! UE-30042 Changing the View Type folder options when importing an item Crashes the Editor
Fixed! UE-29988 Crash when converting custom curve to metadata in persona
Fixed! UE-30054 Transform text when dragging a component in a BP doesn’t update until the drag finishes
Fixed! UE-29994 Materials have incorrect Default Material view
Fixed! UE-30030 ProtoStar Meteors Vanish on touch by User or Neutrino
Fixed! UE-29928 LaunchOn tvOS Fails on Windows.
Fixed! UE-30016 Color picker in cinematic viewport overlays menu does not close when deselected
Fixed! UE-29984 Pixel inspector crash when there is no GBufferE
Fixed! UE-29268 Metal is not enabled for project packaged from windows on iOS device
Fixed! UE-30008 Crash if manipulating a widget in UMG with no animation selected
Fixed! UE-30006 HQ ES3.1 DoF broken with Vulkan RHI
Fixed! UE-29319 Can not use material track with Widgets that use style
Fixed! UE-27735 Enumerators are not set correctly in packaged games if Nativize Blueprint Assets is set to true
Fixed! UE-29942 Selecting Cinematic Viewport does not enable the Cinematic Viewport
Fixed! UE-29934 Blueprint projects packaging and launch on failure for iOS and tvOS from Mac
Fixed! UE-28073 Actors animating as thumbnails redraw in sequencer
Fixed! UE-29938 Saved directories exist in SubwaySequencer sample in 4.12
Fixed! UE-30138 Add missing architectures for Android StripSymbols
You can download the preview release using the Epic Game Launcher.