Back in August of 2012 we reported in a free PDF made available by Ryan Hawkins called Vertex. It was a high detail guide to game art from various industry artists… oh, and it was completely free!
Now, Vertex2 has been released!
Basically, it’s more of the same! Erm, I think. Reality is, I haven’t been able to download it, their website is down. Apparently hosting a large downloadable file on a sub-standard host isn’t a great idea.
You can keep trying that link above, or hopefully I will locate a mirror and share it here. If you have a mirror, let me know and I will post it! Once you do in fact get a download of the book, if you like it, be sure to like them on their facebook page or consider using the donation link at the end of the book. Awesome high quality free content is certainly worth rewarding!