Xamarin Release UrhoSharp a .NET Port of the Urho3D Engine


Today on the Xamarin blog, they announced the release of Urhosharp.  You may recall I covered Urho3D a while back in the Closer Look at Series.  From the announcement:

Building 3D experiences and games using a high-level framework that works across all of the major platforms is now as easy as installing a single NuGet package.

UrhoSharp brings the Urho3D game engine to C# and F# developers targeting Android, iOS, Mac, tvOS, and Windows. It delivers scene management, a component-based architecture, actions, animations, 3D and 2D physics, audio, mesh navigation, and networking richly blended into .NET with all of the idioms that you’ve come to know and love.

To learn more, check out our introduction to UrhoSharp, take a look at oursamples, or add a level or challenge to SamplyGame, our homage to ShootySkies written in UrhoSharp.

From the introduction:

UrhoSharp is a powerful 3D Game Engine for Xamarin and .NET developers. It is similar in spirit to Apple’s SceneKit and SpriteKit and include physics, navigation, networking and much more while still being cross platform.

It is a .NET binding to the Urho3D engine and allows developers to write cross platform code that can target Android, iOS, Windows and Mac with the same codebase and can render to both OpenGL and Direct3D systems.

UrhoSharp is a game engine with a lot of functionality out of the box:


Between Urhosharp and Atomic Game Engine, Urho3D derived engines are certainly becoming more common these days!  You can get the SDK on nuget here.


EDIT: User /u/marynate on reddit’s r/gamedev noticed the license for Urhosharp

You may only use the Software, as expressly permitted herein, in conjunction with Your Primary Xamarin Software. As used herein, “Your Primary Xamarin Software” means Xamarin.iOS software or Xamarin.Android software that is both (a) covered by a separate valid Xamarin software license agreement under which You are the licensee (Your “Primary Xamarin License”) and (b) for which You have acquired an Indie license, Business license, or Enterprise license under Your Primary Xamarin License.

So basically they took an open source project and tied it to using their commercial product.  Bad form Xamarin, bad form.


EDIT2: Xamarin have fixed the license and it is now released under the MIT open source license.

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