YoYo Games Starting a Publishing Department

YoYo Games, the makers of the popular GameMaker game engine are now looking to become a publisher for developers using their product.  Here is Chris Trewartha, manager of the new publishing department describing their ultimate goals in the announcement blog:

“We want to build a portfolio of games, made with GameMaker, that really stand out from the crowd through their concept, design and mechanics,” said Chris Trewartha, Publishing Manager of YoYo Games. “We will work with the developers to give them the support they need, enabling them to realise their full potential.”

If you are looking for someone to fund your game, or if your game is in the design stages (at least for now), this publishing program is not for you.  From the FAQ:

Funding development isn’t something we’re considering at the moment. Our priority is to identify games that are closer to completion and help bring those to market successfully.

Our initial priority will be games that are reasonably close to completion. It’s good to talk though, especially if you are interested in getting a critical opinion on what you are doing, so don’t be afraid to send early work.

I suppose it should go without saying, but this program is only aimed at developers using GameMaker Studio.  The exact nature of the publishing deal is negotiated on a game by game basis.  If you are interested in submitting:

Simply send us information on your game. That may include:

  • Screenshots and video
  • Playable build
  • Design documentation
  • Timeline and planning
  • Team information

We are former developers, so we’re used to seeing work in progress. Don’t feel you need to polish anything up significantly before talking to us. If you can show the level of polish you can achieve, perhaps on a previous project, that’s good enough for us.

The email address to use is [email protected]

If you are interested in learning more about GameMaker Studio 2, be sure to check out our Closer Look review or watch the video embedded below.

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