This story coming care of /r/gamedev, BDX released version 0.2.3. BDX is a game engine hosted inside Blender using LibGDX and Java for game programming. Essentially it enables you to define and create your game in Blender, including complete physics integration, while generating LibGDX code. I did a pretty in-depth tutorial on working with BDX a while back.
In this release:
Here’s a short change-log:
- Per-pixel sun, point, and spot lighting. As it was before, you can simply create the lights in Blender to have them show up in-game, or spawn them during play.
- Ability to turn off per-pixel lighting for lower-spec targeted platforms and devices.
- Improvements to the profiler.
- GameObjects can now switch the materials used on their mesh. You can specify the name of a material available in the scene in Blender, or you can directly provide a LibGDX material to use, in case you have one custom-made.
- Various fixes and QOL improvements.
Check it out! We could always use some more feedback and testing.
It’s a cool project and if you are working in Blender and LibGDX is certainly something you should check out!