
The Future of Fab, Epic Games have released the Fab Marketplace development roadmap, with new features like Godot, text reviews and more

The Future of Fab

Fab, Epic Games new universal game development asset marketplace launched last month and it’s safe to say the launch wasn’t 100% smooth. Fab was intended to replace the Unreal Engine marketplace, SketchFab store as well as Quixel Megascans. They already announced that Quixel Megascans return as well as the re-enabling

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Xogot, by Miguel de Icaza the creator of the Mono framework, is an implementation of the Godot game engine running on iPad OS.

Xogot – Godot on iPad

Xogot is a new project from Miguel de Icaza (the creator of Mono among other projects) building upon his work on bringing Swift to the Godot game engine. Xogot is now available for testing via TestFlight and it’s a VERY good implementation of the Godot game engine on iPad devices,

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the Super Game Asset Bundle by Leartes Studio is a large collection of game ready assets for Unreal Engine, Unity and now Godot game engine

Super Game Asset Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, the Super Game Asset Bundle by Leartes Studio. This bundle is a huge collection of 7000+ game ready assets for Unreal Engine, Unity and now the Godot Game Engine. It is organized into the following tiers: 1$ Tier Fantasy

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