Humble Bundle have just released another bundle of interest to game developers, the Humble Book Bundle: Become a Game Developer. The title is slightly misleading as the majority of content are actually video courses and tutorials, although there are also half a dozen current Unity books from Packt in the bundle. As always, the bundle is split into tiers. Buying a higher tier also nets you all the contents from lower value tiers.
Bundle tiers:
1$ Tier
- Unity 2018 Artificial Intelligence Cookbook **
- Hands-On Game Development with Unity 2018.1
- Mobile Game Development with Unity 3D 2019
- Game Design with Unity 2019
8$ Tier
- Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming **
- Practical Unity Game Development
- Hands-On Augmented Reality with ARCore and Unity
- Introduction to Unity
- Skeletons vs Zombies MOBA With Multiplayer in Unity
- Beginner and Advanced Lighting in Unity
- Cinematics and Animation in Unity
15$ Tier
- Unity Virtual Reality Projects **
- Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook **
- Unity 2018 Cookbook **
- Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2019 **
- Master ARCore 1.3 Unity SDK
- Create an Image Target Based AR Experience Using Unity 3D and Vuforia 7
- Create Augmented Reality Apps using Vuforia 7 in Unity
- Create a Game Environment with Blender and Unity
Items marked with ** are books, all other items are videos. You can decide how your money is allocated, between Humble, the publisher, charity or if you choose to support GameFromScratch (thanks!!!) using this link. You can learn more about this bundle in the video below.