Blender Launch Blender Extensions App Store

At GDC 2024 the Blender Foundation have publicly revealed their new App Store of sorts for Blender, Blender Extensions. This will replace the existing add-ons system as well as provide a portal for discovering add-ons and themes for Blender. The store is testing only right now and contents may change or disappear at random. Additionally to utilize the new Extensions system you need to use Blender 4.2 alpha or newer.

All add-ons and themes on the store will be completely free and open source under the GPL license.

Details on the launch:

Keep in mind that this is a test instance. We may roll out some changes prior to the final official launch that may impact the existent data. So for now treat it as if all the data from the site may disappear.

How to test it

From Blender:

  1. Download a recent daily build of Blender 4.2 Apha 37.
  2. Enable the experimental feature 35: Prototypes → Extensions.
  3. In the User Preferences, Extensions tab, click on the  and on + to add a new Remote Repository:

Now you can Get any of the available extensions.

From the Website:

  1. Visit 410 to discover, rate, get extensions.
  2. Login with your Blender-ID 7 account to upload your extensions.

How to create extensions

This is more thoroughly explained in the documentation 24, but basically you will need a .zip file with your extension (e.g, an add-on) and a manifest file. This file will contain all the meta-data relative to this extension (replacing the need to add this in “bl_info”).

Key Links

Extensions — Blender Extensions

Learn More

Blender Nightly Builds

You can learn more about the new Blender Extensions app store in the video below.

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