Defold Engine 1.2.86 Released


There has been a new release for the Lua powered cross platform Defold game engine.  I have an ongoing tutorial series for the Defold game engine available here should you wish to learn more.


This release is relatively minor although there is a new module and some breaking changes you should be aware of. Here are the release notes:

This release is smaller than usual because most of the team has been away on summer vacation.

This time, we have fixed the sound performance issue on Android that was introduced in version 1.2.84.
The audio performance is now back to normal.

We also fixed an issue with the way we handled certain messages, which could lead to crashes.

And, we’ve added a new lua module called “window”. For instance, it lets the user set an event listener.
The currently supported events are window.WINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_LOST, window.WINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_GAINEDand window.WINDOW_EVENT_RESIZED.

The window module also allows you to control the dim mode of the screen viawindow.set_dim_mode/window.get_dim_mode.

The game.project editor now expose the max number of Spine instances.

We’ve updated the SSDP handling in the editor, it should now be easier to find and connect to your target devices.


DEF-1146 – Added: New “window” lua module, with event listener
DEF-1260 – Added: Ability to block device from going to sleepmode
DEF-2007 – Added: Spine max count exposed in game.project editor
DEF-1999 – Fixed: Sound performance bug on Android
DEF-2006 – Fixed: Improved our device detection (SSDP) handling
DEF-2011 – Fixed: Unaligned memory (simd) in message passing


DEF-2027 – Clarified condition for vectors in vmath.quat_from_to


Defold is available here.

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