Back in August, Discord announced a limited launch beta of their upcoming game store. Yesterday, that store came out of beta and became available world wide. With it’s heavy focus on indie games, this is a development most smaller game developers should certainly pay attention to. In addition to a new game store, they are also launching an exclusivity program for developers called First on Discord, where developers promise Discord a timed exclusivity Window on PC (console launches are not included) in exchange for unspecified assistance in bringing your game to market. The first batch of First on Discord games was announced the end of September. The program must have been somewhat of a success as their Discord Store blog launch announcement contains the following:
P.S. If you’re a game dev and interested in working with us, fill out this form (EDIT: WE’RE SWAMPED. FORM IS CLOSED RIGHT NOW) and sign up for our developer newsletter here.
In addition to a new indie focused store, Discord have also launched Discord Nitro with a new $9.99 price tag, that also includes several titles in a Netflix/EA Origin like subscription service. There are currently 42 titles in the program including titles like Shadow Tactics, Metro Last Light Redux, This War of Mine, VVVVV, Psychonauts, System Shock 2 Enhanced and more.
You can learn more about the store, details about platforms, refund policies, communication features and more right here or by watching the video below. The store link is available here.