There is a new release of Gideros, a cross platform Lua powered mobile focused open source game engine. Release 2016.6 ( I like this naming convention by the way ) brings several new features and improvements including:
New features
- Introduce a threading system allowing to launch tasks in background
- New Pixel sprite, a simple and fast rectangular coloured sprite
- New Particles sprite (alpha), which allows to draw several identical dots or bitmaps with varying colour and orientation
- Releases now include offline docs
- New examples
- Lua 5.1 ‘universal’ bytecode
- UTF8 string library
- Matrix object promoted to full 4×4 (3D) matrix
- Matrix has sprite transform functions as well as direct scale/rotate/translate/multiply
- Pixels can be retrieved from a render target through RenderTarget:getPixels()
- Win32 target general improvements (fixed autorotation issue and UrlLoader now supported)
- Shaders constants can now be set on a sprite by sprite basis
- Viewport can now be used to render 3D scenes with different perspectives
- Switched to QT 5.6 (fix multi monitor issues with gideros studio)
- Updated luasockets to 3.0rc1 (for IPv6 access)
- Allow to remove a shader from a Sprite through Sprite:setShader(nil)
- Fixed concurrency issue in UrlLoader on Android, causing random crashes
- Fixed Render target clear/clipping
- Android fixed orientation issue on screen suspend
- Fixed export complete dialog appears only after export is finished
- Logical scale now applies to Z axis too
- HTML5 fix mouse buttons reporting
- Fixed blur shader example to be GL ES compliant
Gideros is available for download here. You can read the release announcement here.