Goo Create, an HTML5 WebGL game engine with a full editor, just released a new version.
New in this release:
- New particle system component
- Visual behavior editor
- Synchronous behavior state transitions
- Improved action dialog with search
- Collapsible panels
- 65K vertex meshes no longer split
Plus several other fixes and improvements:
- The current selection is added to the URL and restored if the page is refreshed.
- Shadows now work on mobile devices.
- New entities are now added as children of the currently selected entity. If no entity is selected, new entities become children of the scene.
- Added a checkbox to the Sound Component panel to specify whether sounds should automatically be played when the scene is played.
- Added a checkbox to the Sound Component panel to make sounds 2D (not using 3D spatial effects).
- Added a “Mute” button to the default publishing templates. Clicking it will mute all the sounds in the scene.
- Added an option for focusing the canvas element in published scenes. When embedding a scene into another website you usually don’t want the canvas to be focused automatically.
- Added the possibility of specifying alpha values in the color picker control/component. To make use of this new control for script parameters just make a parameter of type “vec4”, and control “color.”
- Added the possibility of loading Ads immediately after it is loaded or after the whole page is loaded. This option is available in the “Serve Ad” app.
- Better-looking HTML component default content.
- The scene title is displayed as the page title and, consequently, shows up in the browser tab.
- Mesh back-faces now render with correct normals.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the Tween Opacity actions, QuadComponent and gizmos so that they use TransparencyBlending instead of CustomBlending.
- Fixed texture repeating so that it works with NPOT textures.
- Fixed the OrbitCam panning so that it works on touch devices.
- Removed the restriction of the light shadow casting size and range being integers.
- Fixed the ButtonScript and PickAndExit action so that they use the “touchend” event to open links, in order to support iOS9.
- Fix a bug that caused tooltips to say visible after starting to drag a sortable item (e.g. scripts or behavior actions).
- Made sure the “allowfullscreen” attribute is added to the “Embed code” for published scenes.
- Added missing ctx.playTime to the autocompletion in the script editor.
- Fixed a bug that caused the names displayed in the scene Hierarchy would to not overflow properly in Firefox.
- Made the the text editor search box larger because text would sometimes get clipped in Firefox.
- Fix a bug in the publishing template that prevented the bottom bar from being hidden unless the “Maximize Button” option was enabled.
- Fixed a bug which caused the timeline keyframe easing function to not be saved sometimes.
You can read more about the new release here.