In what may be my favourite Humble Bundle by far, the folks over at Humble just launched the Humble Book Bundle: Computer Graphics by CRC Press. This is a collection of e-books on a huge number of computer graphics topics, including shaders, OpenGL, GPUS, VR, Volumetrics and much much more. Humble Bundles are broken into tiers, if you buy a certain tier, you get all tiers lower than that one in price.
The tiers of this bundle are:
- 3D Engine Design for Virtual Globes
- The Uncanny Valley in Games and Animation
- Production Volume Rendering
- Real-Time Volume Graphics
- Essential Skills in Character Rigging
- Ray Tracing from the Ground Up
- OpenGL Insights
- Real-Time Shadows
- Multithreading for Visual Effects
- Graphics Shaders
- Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics
- Digital Representations of the Real World
- 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development
- GPGPU Programming for Games and Science
- Mobile Crowd Sensing
- Interaction Design for 3D User Interfaces
- Digital Character Development
- The Art of Fluid Animation
- Ultra-Realistic Imaging
When you buy a Humble bundle, you get to decide how your money is allocated, between the publisher, humble, charity and if you choose (and thanks if you do!) GFS. The Bundle is available here until June 5th.