Learn To Create Game Art in Blender with GameDevTV Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, the Learn to Create Game Art with Blender bundle is a collection of Blender courses and assets from GameDevTV.

As with all Humble Bundles, this one is organized into tiers:

1$ Tier

Blender Texture Painting Course

Blender Low Poly Characters

Mid Tier

Blender Low Poly Landscapes

Blender Dragon Sculpting

Create Animate Characters In Blender

25$ Tier

Blender Animation & Rigging

Blender Material Nodes Mastery

Complete Blender Creator

Blender Environment Artists

Blender Material Pack:Dungeon Walls & Floors

Blender Sculpting Brushes

Blender Alpha Brush Pack: Skin & Scales

Blender Alpha Brush Pack: Rock and Stone

Geometry Nodes in Blender 4 Early Access

As with all Humble Bundles you decide how your money is allocated between Humble, charity, the publisher and if you so choose (and thanks so much if you do) to help support GFS using this link. You can learn more about the Learn to Create Game Art in Blender 2023 by GameDevTV bundle in the video below.

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