MiniGDX Kotlin Game Development Framework

MiniGDX is a recently released open source framework for 2D and 3D game development using the Kotlin game engine. This is the second Kotlin game engine we have featured on GameFromScratch, the first being the Korge Engine. Kotlin is a relatively new programming language from JetBrains, makers of the popular IntelliJ IDEA IDE (as well as Rider, WebStorm, etc), which is also the ideal IDE for Kotlin development.

MiniGDX just released version 1.0, with the source code hosted on GitHub under the MIT open source license. Features of MiniGDX include:

  • 2D/3D rendering
  • Skeletal animation support
  • Keyboard/Mouse/Touch input
  • Sound playback with mp3
  • SAT and AABB collision detection
  • Scripting support
  • Target JVM, Javascript, Android with iOS and native support coming in the future.

You can see half a dozen examples of MiniGDX in action in the showcase with the source code of these projects available here. The easiest way to get started with your own project is by using the game template available here. Unfortunately there does not currently appear to be a community or Discord server available and documentation beyond the source examples is all but non-existent.

You can learn more about MiniGDX and see it in action in the video below.

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