PlayStation Mobile SDK .99 has been released

Sony have just announced the release of a new version of the PlayStation Mobile SDK, with the following new features:

  • In-App Purchase library
  • Digital Signature & Encryption library for content protection
  • GamePad support for UI Toolkit library
  • ModelViewer for previewing .mdx files on PC
  • 50+ bug fixes


    The is a guide on moving to the new SDK available here.



    There is one major ramification to this upgrade, you need to recompile all of your projects, and that includes any of the projects that I have made available in various tutorials.  There is a batch file named project_conv_098to099.bat in the tools folder of your install directory.  Drag your project onto it to update them.  You will also need to update the assistant on your Vita if required.


    Additionally, the namespace Sce.Pss has been changed to Sce.PlayStation, as part of the rebrand.  To me this is simply annoying, as it just broke every single tutorial, all of the existing documentation, etc… for very little gain.



    App.cfg has also been rendered redundant and has been replaced by app.xml, which will be automatically generated for you by Studio.



    There are already some bug reports coming in for .99 with file reading, so be cautious when upgrading.


    Here are the full .99 release notes:


    ver 0.99


    Notice for migration of the project created in Ver 0.98 into Ver 0.99

    • The application setup file "app.xml" has been introduced. Along with the introduction, "app.cfg" is withdrawn.

      • Along with the above change, the batch file “project_conv_098to099.bat” is provided to convert “.cs”, “.csproj” and “app.cfg”. Please execute any of the followings for project conversion.

      How to execute in the console screen

      1. Go to [Start Menu] – [All Programs] – [Accessories] – [Command Prompt].
      2. Input cd "%SCE_PSM_SDK%/tools/” to move from the current directory.
      3. Specify and execute [sample098_project_folder], the top folder of the project to be converted into “project_conv_098to099.bat”.

      > project_conv_098to099.bat [sample098_project_folder]

      How to execute in Explorer

      1. Drag and drop [sample098_project_folder] onto “project_conv_098to099.bat” in Explorer.

    New Additions and Modifications

    • The SDK name has been changed from "PlayStation Suite SDK" to "PlayStation Mobile SDK".

    • Namespace of API has been changed from "Sce.Pss" to "Sce.PlayStation".

    • Signature verification / encryption have been supported for the files included in the application packages.

    • The number of sub-directory levels (incl. files) that can be created under the directories of Application/, Documents/, Temp/ has been changed from 5 levels to 6 levels.

      • "/Application/1/2/3/4/5/6.dat" -> OK (Documents/, Temp/ as well)
      • "/Application/1/2/3/4/5/6/7.dat" -> NG (Documents/, Temp/ as well)


    New Additions and Modifications

    • Position property has been added to the BgmPlayer class.


    New Additions and Modifications

    • The following class has been withdrawn.

      • PersistentMemory


    • SystemEvents.onRestored event does not work correctly on PlayStation(R)VITA.


    New Additions and Modifications

    • Default screen size has been changed to 960×544 which is same as PlayStation(R)VITA.
    • The value of TextureWrapMode has been changed.


    • PlayStation(R)VITA has the following limitations.
      • GraphicsContext.SetVertexBuffer() applies only the first VertexBuffer.
      • GraphicsContext.SetPolygonOffset() is not supported. Specified parameters are ignored.
      • Texture2D.GenerateMipmap() may not operate correctly.
      • TextureCube is not supported. An exception occurs when created.


    New Additions and Modifications

    • Dead-Band has been set around the center of the analog stick in GamePad.


    New Additions and Modifications

    • The ReadBuffer method has been added to the Image class.


    New Additions and Modifications

    • MDX file format has been modified and its version has been changed to 1.00.

    • MDX files of old format cannot be used directly. If you want to use them, please use the source code project of Model API instead of its prebuilt assembly and replace MdxLoader.cs with MdxLoader095.cs which is included in the project.

    • Implemented the following features.
      • Loading block names, bounding spheres
      • Motion transition, motion repeat mode
      • UV offset/scale, UV animation
      • Texture-less material
    • Updated the toolkit used by the converter.
      • Crosswalk 2013.0
      • FBXSDK 2011.3


    New Additions and Modifications

    • Sce.PlayStation.Core.Services namespace has been newly provided.
    • API InAppPurchaseDialog has been newly provided for In-App Purchase.

    UI Composer

    New Additions and Modifications

    • Custom widget functionality to locate user’s arbitrary widget has been added.

    • The custom panel functionality provided until version 0.98 has been withdrawn.
      • For the UIC files where the custom panels are provided, internal change is made to replace the custom panel with the custom widget.
      • Addition of the custom panel to WidgetList will be invalid.
    • The files can be opened by drag & drop of project file (*.uic) for the running UIComposer.

    • The initial value of Anchor of the Widget has become Anchor.None.
      • However, some may not be Anchor.None if conversion of size is restricted such as CheckBox, DateTimerPicker, Slider, ProgressBar and PopupList.


    • UIComposer is not started unless it performs as an administrator.

    UI Toolkit

    New Additions and Modifications

    • Functionality to perform focus operation in gamepad has been added.
      • For further information, see [UI Toolkit Programming Guide] – [Basic Concept] – [Gamepad Operation].
    • Key event distribution structure has been changed.
      • For further information, see [UI Toolkit Programming Guide] – [Basic Concept] – [Key Event Distribution].
    • The functionality to specify pixel density has been added.
      • For further information, see [UI Toolkit Programming Guide] – [Basic Concept] – [Pixel Density].
    • The property of Font type of each widget has been changed to UIFont type.

    • Event types of Hiding and Hidden in Dialog have been changed from EventHandler to EventHandler<DialogEventArgs>.

    • If widgets parent and child with different scroll directions were located, they cannot scroll correctly. This problem has been fixed.

    • Too many instances of items were created with ListPanel.Move method. This problem has been fixed.

    • When trying to display a dialog just after closing another dialog, display was failed. This problem has been fixed.

    • API which was Obsolete in ver 0.98 has been deleted.

    PSM Studio

    New Additions and Modifications

    • The base has been changed to MonoDevelop
    • If debugging is executed on PlayStation(R)VITA, no string is displayed in the application output window. This problem has been fixed.
    • Edit app.xml working with PSM Publishing Utility.
    • Add a functionality of signature verification / encryption. Content Protection (Plain, Signed, SignedAndEncrypted) can be selected from Property of files.


    • In rare cases, app.exe.mdb is occupied by process to fail in build. In the case of occurrence, please restart PSM Studio.
    • It may fail in opening a project. Once close and then reopen it.

    PSM Publishing Utility

    New Additions and Modifications

    • New release
    • Metadata and master packages are created.

    PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA)

    New Additions and Modifications

    • Along with the name change of SDK, the name has been changed to "PlayStation Mobile Development Assistant".

    • PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA) 0.99 has been released as a patch package. The version can be updated to 0.99 by selecting and apply the update icon displayed on LiveArea in PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA) 0.98. In order to use PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA) 0.99, the system software of PlayStation(R)VITA system needs to be updated to 1.69 or later version.

    • Note that it cannot be run correctly with the combination of PSM Studio (former name: PSS Studio) released in SDK 0.98 and PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA) 0.99. PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA) must be equivalent to the SDK version.

      • Correctly operating combination:
        • PSM Studio for SDK 0.98 & PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA) 0.98
        • PSM Studio for SDK 0.99 & PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA) 0.99
      • Incorrectly operating combination (Becomes error at installation):
        • PSM Studio for SDK 0.98 & PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA) 0.99
        • PSM Studio for SDK 0.99 & PSM Development Assistant (for PlayStation(R)VITA) 0.98
    • Graphic asset has been changed.

    • The busy dialog of "Installing…" has been displayed during installation from PSM Studio. Moreover, PS button has been locked during installation.

    • The links to Debug Setting Items and Developer Forum website have been provided in the option menu. Ticket information of InAppPurchaseDialog can be reset on PlayStation(R)VITA by selecting [Debug Settings]-[Reset Ticket Information].

    • Wording contents in the Intellectual Property Notices pages and scroll performance have been adjusted.


    New Additions and Modifications

    • Added the following documents.
      • Basic Usage of 2-Dimensional Physics Simulation Physics2D Library
      • In-App Purchase
      • About Build Action
      • Folder Structure In PSM App
      • Safe Application Implementation
      • Setting Signature and Encryption
      • Uninstall
      • Mastering
      • Usage of Publishing Utility

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