Epic have just released another update on Unreal Engine, this time it’s UE 4.12 Preview 3. Note once again, this is a preview release, so you should expect bugs and shouldn’t use it for production code. There be dragons! The single biggest new feature of this preview is the addition of experimental Vulkan support. Of course this release also has loads of bug fixes including:
Fixed! UE-30343 Project fails to compile after adding child class of AIController (C++)
Fixed! UE-30120 Investigate Crash during Garbage Collection in travel mode with InitProperties() optimization
Fixed! UE-29351 Crash attempting to PIE in QAGame after deleting BP_QAPawn
Fixed! UE-30062 (Regression) BP editor – SCS component tree display is not updated after Undo/Redo of component attachment.
Fixed! UE-30253 Cubes do not react to projectiles in Nativized First Person Code Template
Fixed! UE-30196 Unable to package a copy of project with Nativize Blueprints enabled
Fixed! UE-30235 Mac QAGame fails to package with nativization
Fixed! UE-29888 Hot Reloading an up to date project in Xcode causes the build to fail
Fixed! UE-30150 Crash undoing the selection of an actor while in Mesh Paint mode.
Fixed! UE-28172 Opening asset editor with Ctrl down (including hotkey use) causes editor to act like ctrl still pressed
Fixed! UE-30309 Tabbing to a new row in the details panel selects the blank space to the left of the section
Fixed! UE-30201 Open a copy of a project, results in illegal characters and incorrect filepath warnings when packaging
Fixed! UE-29345 Crash occurs exiting the editor after enabling mesh paint mode and PIEing
Fixed! UE-30218 Build Step Async Step Infinite Loop
Fixed! UE-30318 Crash on mesh reimport after converting brushes to static mesh
Fixed! UE-27087 Crash when pasting MaterialFunctionCall expressions into the material editor between projects
Fixed! UE-30186 SplineComponent has issues shipping
Fixed! UE-30332 “show collision” console command does not render the collision capsule on character
Fixed! UE-30093 Animations created from recorded gameplay are in default pose
Fixed! UE-30039 Crash when removing cloth apb’s assigned to asset
Fixed! UE-30100 Destructible meshes can render incorrectly during PiE with Accurate velocities from Vertex Deformation enabled
Fixed! UE-25634 Crash undoing when using component whitelist
Fixed! UE-30142 Landscape3 in ContentExamples Landscape crashes when using erosion tool
Fixed! UE-30400 Sun Temple Fails to launch on PowerVR SGX540 Tablets
Fixed! UE-29569 bReceiveCSMFromDynamicObjects needs a better name, tooltip and to be in a Mobile section
Fixed! UE-29807 Major corruption in ProtoStar in Vulkan PC with VULKAN_ENABLE_PIPELINE_CACHE=1
Fixed! UE-29557 iOS – Packaged Windows BP Template Crashes on Metal Devices
Fixed! UE-30047 Materials that use 5 unique textures do not compile for ES2
Fixed! UE-30331 CompressFileToWorkingBuffer may fail due to block size overhead
Fixed! UE-30258 Packaging for HTML5 in DebugGame fails BuildSettings not cached
Fixed! UE-26057 4.12 regression: UE4Editor-PS4Tracker.dll is always out of date
Fixed! UE-30381 Fatal error in GarbageCollection.cpp file when launching ShooterGame on Xbox One.
Fixed! UE-26495 Crash opening editor on Linux
Fixed! UE-30325 Ads not appearing on full Shipping Distribution Android package of Match3
Fixed! UE-30402 Error in Vulkan.Build.cs check in
Fixed! UE-30401 Add fallback to third party Windows Vulkan SDK for Android if other options not available
Fixed! UE-28862 Xbox One: Cant type in console command
Fixed! UE-30383 Disable MRT on A7 devices for GPU particles
Fixed! UE-30297 iOS from Mac Quick Launch fails at cook on the fly
Fixed! UE-30340 Fix num instances not getting reset after draw indirect calls on PS4
Fixed! UE-30130 [CrashReport] Vulkan Preview Crashes When Running Vulkan Preview PIE
Fixed! UE-30151 Vulkan UI should be gated by Experimental
Fixed! UE-30231 Engine crashes on Android device after being paused for a while
Fixed! UE-30271 Fix bsd_signal linking error for NDK11 and android-21
Fixed! UE-29263 Flying Pawn renders incorrectly while flying on XboxOne
Fixed! UE-30230 Textures aren’t getting initialized correctly on PS4
Fixed! UE-30222 Remove glMapBufferOES and glUnmapBufferOES link warnings for Android builds
Fixed! UE-30277 GitHub 2354 : Fix for Git Source Control not working anymore in 4.12, master
Fixed! UE-30190 Adjusting Default Light Settings for Atmospheric Fog causes Crash
Fixed! UE-29150 UT EDITOR: CRASH: Crash occurs when launching Editor on MAC
Fixed! UE-30121 Experimental GPU defragging is enabled by default for PS4
Fixed! UE-29234 Crash when building lighting on Mac with M_EyeRefractive in the scene
Fixed! UE-30208 Ensure taking high resolution screenshot
Fixed! UE-30223 Skylight reflections not rendering correctly on translucent materials
Fixed! UE-30354 CrossCompilerTool does not compile
Fixed! UE-29824 Texture group LOD Bias might be applied several time
Fixed! UE-30115 Indirect Lighting Transition is delayed one frame.
Fixed! UE-29454 M_Water_Drops_Master material failing to compile
Fixed! UE-30112 Standalone Game presents with black bar
Fixed! UE-30266 In Elemental, the lava drip has parts that appear to be cut off
Fixed! UE-30304 In Vehicle Game, the buggy hits collision at the start of the track
Fixed! UE-30246 Content Examples Material_Nodes lighting needs to be rebuilt
Fixed! UE-30386 Dragging Shot_002 down a row causes the shot not to spawn in MasterSequence
Fixed! UE-30367 Crash Auto Saving after using material track
Fixed! UE-30360 Crash converting to spawnable when object is missing
Fixed! UE-30344 Master sequence settings have no bounds
Fixed! UE-29321 Adding a material track sets material to MaterialInstanceDynamic_#
Fixed! UE-30404 Modifications to Android OnCreate delegates
Fixed! UE-29264 Get Screen Percentage does not return values in –game
As always this release is available from the game launcher.