Cocos Creator is a new game editor built over top of the Cocos2d-x JavaScript port. I did a hands on video with an earlier version of Cocos Creator if you are interested in learning more.
This release brings a number of new changes and features, including:
- [Animation] Allow position.x and position.y properties can be added separately in an animation
- Windows] Use new installer framework based on Squirrel.Windows. New version of Cocos Creator will be installed to %User/AppData/Local/CocosCreator, different version will be stored in sub folder named as app-x.x.x.
- Dashboard] Dashboard stays in memory now. When open a project the Dashboard window will hide, and show up again when the project is closed. Added Systray icon for dashboard. You can open multiple project from Dashboard now.
- JSB] Fixed newly created cc.SpriteFrame via url cannot be displayed when assigned to sprite issue.
- Engine] We include cocos2d-x prebuilt library in installation so no more manually building for that.
- Render] Add SpriteDistortion component for simulating a 3D ball rolling effect
- Render] Add Circle mode for Mask component
- Render] Fixed rotating a node with Mask will not display correctly issue.
- Console] Optimized duplicated message into collapsed messages.
- Animation] Fixed switching among multiple animation clip may cause timeline to lock up issue.
- Animation] Fixed play animation direction error when wrapMode is set to Reverse
- Animation] Fixed root node may jump to other position when updated sample issue.
- Component] Fixed help button link on builtin components
- Component] Add tooltip for Layout and EditBox components
- Prefab] Fixed when reference a node from scene on a component attached to Prefab may cause duplicated node instantiated together with prefab issue.
- Tiledmap] Fixed rotated tile in a tax file will not display correctly issue.
- Build] emit a editor:build-finished message after a successful build process. So plugins can catch that and do modifications to the built project.
- Build] Fixed iOS project templates may cause rejection when submitting to iTunes connect issue.
- Editor] Make error message when requiring third party javascript library more clear.
- Auto Update] Fixed when text is large in change log, the window will not display all content issue.
The full release announcement and download information is available here.