LÖVE, a Lua based game engine I covered wayyyyy back in Battle of the Lua Game Engines and also featured in the game development for kids article, just announced release 0.9.2 just in time for Valentines day. The announcement follows:
Here are a few big changes and highlights, and the full changelog, as well as download links can of course be found below, and on the wiki and front page respectively.
- The lua 5.3 UTF-8 module was added, bringing easy handling of UTF-8 in strings.
- Added love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings and love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings to easily load and store gamepad mapping databases. See love.joystick.setGamepadMapping for more details.
- Added relative mouse mode (love.mouse.setRelativeMode) and the corresponding love.mousemoved.
- Added symlink support to love.filesystem, as well as love.filesystem.getRealDirectory, making development and debugging easier.
- Fixed a bunch of memory leaks, crashes and other bugs.
- Renamed FSAA to MSAA.
- The ‘console’ option now tries to re-use its console, and it can open earlier, allowing its use in early stages of game loading.
- Replace several error messages with clearer, more obvious ones.
The full changelog is listed here:
* Added Lua 5.3's UTF-8 module (via utf8 = require("utf8")).
* Added Shader:getExternVariable.
* Added several new canvas texture formats.
* Added love.graphics.getCanvasFormats.
* Added love.graphics.getCompressedImageFormats.
* Added ParticleSystem:setQuads.
* Added ParticleSystem:setLinearDamping.
* Added SpriteBatch:flush.
* Added love.graphics.getStats.
* Added "mirroredrepeat" wrap mode.
* Added love.audio.setDopplerScale and love.audio.getDopplerScale.
* Added optional duration argument to Joystick:setVibration.
* Added love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings and love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings.
* Added Joint:setUserData and Joint:getUserData.
* Added Joint:getBodies.
* Added GearJoint:getJoints.
* Added Contact:getFixtures and Body:getContactList.
* Added Body:getWorld.
* Added Body:getJointList.
* Added Body/Contact/Fixture/Joint/World:isDestroyed.
* Added love.mousemoved event callback.
* Added love.mouse.setRelativeMode and love.mouse.getRelativeMode.
* Added Scancode enums, love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode, and love.keyboard.getScancodeFromKey.
* Added love.window.getDisplayName.
* Added love.window.minimize.
* Added love.window.maximize.
* Added love.window.showMessageBox.
* Added 'refreshrate' field to the table returned by love.window.getMode.
* Added love.window.toPixels and love.window.fromPixels.
* Added love.window.setPosition and love.window.getPosition, and 'x' and 'y' fields to love.window.setMode and t.window in love.conf.
* Added love.filesystem.isSymlink, love.filesystem.setSymlinksEnabled, and love.filesystem.areSymlinksEnabled.
* Added love.filesystem.getRealDirectory.
* Deprecated SpriteBatch:bind and SpriteBatch:unbind.
* Deprecated all uses of the name 'FSAA' in favor of 'MSAA'.
* Deprecated the 'hdrcanvas' graphics feature enum in favor of getCanvasFormats.
* Deprecated the 'dxt' and 'bc5' graphics feature enums in favor of getCompressedImageFormats.
* Fixed crashes when love objects are used in multiple threads.
* Fixed love.filesystem.setIdentity breaking in some situations when called multiple times.
* Fixed the default love.filesystem identity when in Fused mode in Windows.
* Fixed love.system.openURL sometimes blocking indefinitely on Linux.
* Fixed love.joystick.setGamepadMapping.
* Fixed the order of vertices in ChainShapes.
* Fixed love.mouse.getPosition returning outdated values if love.mouse.setPosition is used in the same frame.
* Fixed love.graphics.newFont to error when given an invalid size argument.
* Fixed the filename and backtrace given when love.graphics.print errors.
* Fixed a small memory leak if love.graphics.newCanvas errors.
* Fixed shader:getWarnings returning unnecessary information.
* Fixed some cases of noncompliant shader code not properly erroring on some nvidia drivers.
* Fixed a potential crash when Shader objects are garbage collected.
* Fixed a potential small memory leak triggered when love.graphics.newShader errors.
* Fixed love.graphics.newMesh(vertexcount, ...) causing the Mesh to do instanced rendering.
* Fixed Mesh:getVertexMap.
* Fixed Image:refresh generating mipmaps multiple times if mipmap filtering is enabled.
* Fixed Image:setMipmapFilter to not keep bad state around if it errors.
* Fixed Mesh:setDrawRange when the Mesh has a vertex map set.
* Fixed internal detection of the 'position' and 'effect' shader functions.
* Fixed Texture memory leak when Meshes are garbage collected.
* Fixed the default line join mode to be 'miter' instead of an undefined value.
* Fixed the default error handler text size when highdpi mode is enabled on a Retina monitor.
* Fixed the default error handler background color when sRGB mode is enabled for the window.
* Fixed love.window.setMode to fall back to the largest available mode if a width or height greater than the largest supported is specified and fullscreen is used.
* Fixed the state of wireframe mode when love.window.setMode is called.
* Fixed Canvas:getPixel to error if the coordinates are not within the Canvas' size.
* Fixed detection of compressed textures to work regardless of the file's extension.
* Renamed all cases of FSAA to MSAA. The FSAA names still exist for backward-compatibility.
* Updated the Windows executable to automatically prefer the higher performance GPU on nvidia Optimus systems.
* Updated the --console command-line argument in Windows to open the console before conf.lua is loaded.
* Updated t.console and the --console command-line argument in Windows to use the existing Console window,if love was launched from one.
* Updated the love executable to verify that the love library's version matches.
* Updated the Lua wrapper code for modules to avoid crashes when the module's instance is created, deleted, and recreated.
* Updated internal code for handling garbage collection of love objects to be more efficient.
* Updated love's initialization code to trigger a Lua error if love.conf has an error in it.
* Updated the paths returned by love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory and friends to strip double-slashes from the string.
* Updated the error message when love.filesystem.write or File:open fails because the directory doesn'texist.
* Updated the error message when love.math.setRandomseed(0) is attempted.
* Updated the error message when invalid UTF-8 strings are used in love functions that expect UTF-8.
* Updated love.physics.newPolygonShape and love.physics.newChainShape to accept a table of vertices.
* Updated love.physics.newChainShape to error if the number of arguments is invalid.
* Updated love.thread.newThread to accept a literal string of code directly.
* Updated love-created threads to use names visible in external debuggers.
* Updated SpriteBatch:unbind to use less VRAM if the SpriteBatch has the static usage hint.
* Updated love.graphics.newImage, love.image.newImageData, etc. to leave less Lua-owned memory around.
* Updated love.graphics.push to accept different stack types to push. Current types are "transform" and "all".
* Updated love shaders to accept GLSL ES precision qualifiers on variables, although they do nothing.
* Updated the error message for love.graphics.newShader to be less cryptic if an invalid filename is given.
* Updated compressed texture loading code to allow BC6 and BC7 compressed textures (if the graphics driver supports them.)And our downloads, also available on the home page are here:
- Windows installer: 32 bit, 64 bit
- Windows zip: 32 bit, 64 bit
- Mac OS X (10.6+) zip: 64 bit
- Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04+ PPA
- Linux source tarball
The entire announcement is available on their forums here. Perhaps most exciting is the 0.10 release, which adds official Android and iOS support. Features I know many people have been waiting for. For the record, there are unofficial Android and iOS ports already available. This move will just make them part of the main distro. Still a huge development when it happens.