Launched at Unity Unite LA, there is an ongoing contest showcasing newer 2D features that have been added to the Unity game engine since Unity 2018 was released. This includes new features like improved tilemap support, inverse kinematic animations, 2D animation improvements, cinemachine support, spriteshape and more. Contest entries must:
be made using Unity 2018.1, Unity 2018.2, or Unity 2018.3 (beta) and highlights use of one of the following tools: 2D Animation, 2D IK, 2D Cinemachine, 2D Tilemaps (square, hexagons or isometric), 2D SpriteShape, 2D Pixel Perfect, or Vector Graphics. Assets from Asset store are allowed but not required but use must comply with these Rules;
be in a single language, ideally English or Japanese (in the case of non-English/Japanese submissions, Entry should focus on visual, non-verbal elements);
be your Team’s own original work;
not have been submitted previously in any promotion of any kind;
not contain material or content that:
is inappropriate, indecent, obscene, offensive, sexually explicit, pornographic, hateful, tortious, defamatory, or slanderous or libelous;
promotes bigotry, racism, hatred or harm against any group or individual
promotes discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age;
promotes alcohol, illegal drugs, or tobacco;
violates or infringes another’s rights, including but not limited to rights of privacy, publicity, or their intellectual property rights;
is inconsistent with the message, brand, or image of Unity, is unlawful; or
is in violation of or contrary to the laws or regulations of any jurisdiction in which the Entry is created.
Entries are judged on a 100pt scale using the following weighting:
up to 50 points will be awarded for quality of execution, interesting/fun gameplay and good usage of new 2D Unity tools;
up to 25 points will be awarded for documentation of your project; and
up to 25 points will be awarded for project creativity.
Prizes are as follows:
1st Place Prize (highest scoring Entry) – $2000 in cash
2nd Place Prize (second highest scoring Entry) – $1000 in cash
3rd Place Prize (third highest scoring Entry) – $500 in cash
Special Mention Prize (Entry with most innovative editor tool) – $500 in cash
You can learn more about the contest here, while the legal details are available here. When ready, you can submit your entry here. The contest runs until December 16th, 2018.