Unity have released another patch to their game engine, this time 5.4.0p4. Once again composed entirely of fixes, there are actually a shockingly high number of them as you can see in the release notes below:
Windows Store: Windows Extension SDK references will now be automatically added to Assembly-CSharp projects.
- (807983) – Android: Fixed an issue where projects without audio could stop external audio sources.
- (808752) – Android: Fixed build time regression when using the resources folder.
- (none) – Animation: Deleting an Override controller that was previously set as the runtimecontroller no longer reset the animator statemachine memory.
- (820586) – Animation: Fixed a crash when adding AnimationClip to an enabled Animation component whilst in play mode in the editor.
- (823410) – Animation: Fixed a crash when changing AnimatorOverrideController during interrupted transition.
- (824596) – Animation: Fixed a crash when triggering a newly created animation clip at runtime.
- (811596) – Asset Management: Assets added using AssetDatabase.AddObjectToAsset will no longer change their name when the project is saved.
- (763383) – Collab: Fixed a crash when opening a cloud project named with numbers if you already have a project named the same in your folder.
- (819707) – D3D11: Fixed editor spewing out “Failed to query D3D11 context for ID3DUserDefinedAnnotation interface” error message when run on Windows 7 machine without Windows updates installed.
- (775290) – Editor: Fixed an issue where ‘sub-assets’ could appear in the wrong order in the Editor or change order when saving.
- (708582) – Editor: Fixed an issue where ColorPicker color was darker than the actual color picked in Linear color space.
- (none) – Editor: Fixed an issue where objects in Inspector Preview appeared darker in Linear color space.
- (none) – Fixed a syntax error in user-agent header string generated by API requests within Unity web views.
- (811241) – GI: Fixed a crash in Reflection Probe component when multiple scenes are used.
- (815127) – GI: LightProbes.GetInterpolatedProbe will return a black probe now if there are no light probes in the scene.
- (745588) – GI: Multi-scene editor. Fixed the lightmap indices not updating for additively loaded scenes in the Editor.
- (710633) – Graphics: Fixed a crash when blend shape value is changed for an object with cloth component.
- (none) – Graphics: Fixed a crash when running with graphics jobs caused by one thread unloading mesh data whilst another thread is using the data.
- (794440) – Graphics: Fixed Texture3D not accepting floating point formats.
- (820071) – IL2CPP: Corrected the behavior of the is operator when used with a struct embedded in a parent generic class.
- (817286) – Input: Workaround for the issue where cursor would disappear on touch based devices like Surface Pro 4.
- (820487) – iOS: Added support for tbd files.
- (800209) – iOS: Disabled certain Xcode debugging features in the project template causing mem usage to grow.
- (796762) – iOS: Fixed a crash due to linker error in simulator on startup in certain Unity releases.
- (791063) – iOS: Fixed simulator crashes when device was rotated.
- (717587) – Kernel: Fixed a crash resulting from redo after revert.
- (804333) – Kernel: Fixed a crash resulting from undo after reverting prefab.
- (822063, 816232) – Mono: Fixed a crash in compute_class_bitmap when using reflection.
- (763583) – Mono: Fixed a crash in find_method_in_metadata which can occur on startup.
- (798133) – OSX Player: The OSX standalone player now allows to switch out of the application by using Cmd+Tab when running in fullscreen mode.
- (823495) – Particles: Fixed an issue where the first vertex of a trail renderer could be missing.
- (782232) – Particles: Fixed the particle system random seed regression.
- (805669) – Plugins: Fixed an issue where DLL plugins with non-lowercase extensions cause the architecture platforms panel not to be displayed.
- (none) – Tizen: Added a method to request the Evas_GL object to possibly be used in plugins.
- (none) – Tizen: Added API compatibility control. Currently only 2.3 and 2.4 are supported.
- (806041) – Tizen: Fixed problem with hangs when using a static splash screen image.
- (805148) – Tizen: Fixed the screen dimensions being incorrect when rotating the screen on Tizen while playing video.
- (none) – Tizen: Fixed a problem where UnityPluginUnload was not called in Tizen mobile.
- (none) – Tizen: Removed an error which wrote privilege value in duplicate in tizen-manifest.xml.
- (none) – Tizen: Support multiple sensor listener.
- (777937) – tvOS: Fix 2nd stage splash screen.
- (none) – tvOS: Fixed: allowed scripting implementations and architectures in player settings.
- (797645) – UI: Fixed a race condition in UI mesh processing leading to rare crashes.
- (797560, 633000) – UI: Fixed issue where Canvas/UI appeared darker when camera was disabled and color space was set to Linear.
- (820517) – UnityWebRequest: Fixed possible freeze when downloading more than 64k of data using custom download handler.
- (814330) – UnityWebRequest: Fixed texture download reports done before texture is actually usable.
- (813683) – Windows Store: Fixed a bug where mouse scrollwheel was returning inverted values.
- (none) – Windows Store: Fixed Xbox Live SDK not being automatically referenced by C# scripts if installed on the machine.
- (816582) – Windows Store: Gamepads (with UsagePage/Usage 0x0001/0x0005) will correctly connect to an application, usually these are device connected via bluetooth. Previously only joysticks (with UsagePage/Usage 0x0001/0x0004) would connect. You can check UsagePage/Usage of the device by right clicking Properties on the device->Hardware->HID-compliant game controller->Properties->Details->Hardware Ids. For ex., gamepads will contain an item “HID_DEVICE_UP:0001_U:0005) . You might need to delete Package.appxmanifest, because there’s a new item for HID device.
- (810622) – Windows Store: When updating Windows Phone 8 application to Windows Phone 8.1/10.0, player preferences will be auto updated if the following condition is met – UnityPlayer.upp file exists, but playerprefs.dat file doesn’t exist in LocalFolder.
As always, the patch can be downloaded here.