It has only been about 5 weeks since Unreal Engine 4.20 preview 1 was released so today’s full release of Unreal Engine 4.20 is impressively quick. Some of the star features of this release include the new Niagara particle system, support for Visual Studio 2017 and beta Leap Magic support. Perhaps the biggest new improvements in this release however come from Epic’s work on the mobile version of their smash hit game FortNite. This release contains a massive number of mobile target improvements they gained from porting their own game to run on iOS and Android devices.
Mobile improvements alone include:
- Improved Android debugging
- Minimum Static Mesh LOD per platform
- Minimum Skeletal Mesh LOD per platform
- Hardware occlusion improvements
- HLOD tools and workflow optimizations
- Audio quality node
- Audio variation culling
- Audio downsampling per platform
- Audio compression quality per platform
- Shading model tweaks to better match PC
- Reflection capture brightness fix
- Landscape support for four layers
- Landscape tessellation improvements
- No memory cost for unused LODs, including:
- Static Meshes
- Skeletal Meshes
- Material quality levels
- Grass and foliage
- High detail components and meshes
- High detail emitters in Cascade
- Settings based on device memory
- Material memory reduction
- Editor scriptability for bulk asset changes
- Particle component pooling
- Material parameter collection update cost
As always Epic have released a massive and comprehensive release note available here. You can download the 4.20 UE4 release using the Epic Game Launcher.