APress Game Coding 2023 Humble Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, the APress Game Coding 2023 e-book Humble Bundle. This is a collection of books on a wide variety of game development topics including MonGame, Godot Engine, Procedural Generation, Unity, GameMaker and more. The biggest caveat of this bundle, the books are only available in epub format!

As with most Humble Bundles it is organized into tiers:

1$ Tier

Introduction to Java Through Game Development

Beginning VFX with Autodesk Maya

Median Tier

Advanced Unity Game Development

Exploring Game Mechanics

Human-Computer Interactions in Game Development with Python

Introduction to Video Game Engine Development

Procedural Generation in Godot

18$ Tier

The Way We Play

Sound and Music for Games

Beginning 3D Game Assets Development Pipeline

Building Multiplayer Games in Unity

Game Development with MonoGame

How to Make a Game

GameMaker Fundamentals

Learn JavaFX and App Development

Beginning Game Development with Godot

Build Your Own 2D Game Engine and Create Great Web Games

Introduction to Unity ML-Agents

Unity Virtual Reality Development with VRTK4

You can learn more about the APress Game Coding 2023 Humble ebook Bundle for game developers in the video down below. As with all Humble Bundles, you decide how your funds are allocated between Humble, charity, the publisher and if so choose (and thanks so much if you do!) to help support GFS using this link.

The other free asset mentioned in the below video is the Dungeon Remastered Asset Pack, a free download on Itch.io.

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