The Rust powered game engine Bevy just formed the Bevy Foundation. This is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable foundation with the following mission statement:
Our mission is to promote, protect, and advance the free and open source Bevy Engine and related open source projects. We coordinate and promote its continued maintenance and development, educate and train members of the general public in its usage, and conduct research and development to advance the state of the art of creating real-time applications and simulations.
The TL;DR version of the Bevy Foundation and why it was formed:
- Bevy Foundation is largely a legal formalization of the leadership and operational structure we have already been using. The “Bevy leadership” that you know (and hopefully trust) is also at the helm of Bevy Foundation. The biggest difference is that power is distributed more evenly.
- Nothing is fundamentally changing about how we build and release Bevy as free and open source software. This is not a business model rug-pull. It is a legal formalization of our mission to build and release Bevy as free and open source software to members of the general public (you!).
- You can now donate to the Bevy Foundation to support us!
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In a nutshell, this puts Bevy on a more stable footing going forward, with less power and control situated in the hands of a single individual. It is also a mechanism that makes it easier for the Bevy project to solicit and receive donations. You can learn more about the formation of the Bevy Foundation in the video below.