CG Cookie Blender Humble Bundle

There is a new Humble Bundle of interest to game developers, the Blender Core Skills: The Ultimate Blender Basics bundle. This is a collaboration with the Blender instructors at CG Cookie and is a single tier bundle containing downloadable video courses covering a wide variety of Blender topics.

15$ Tier

Fundamentals of 3D Mesh Modeling in Blender

Fundamentals of Digital Sculpting with Blender

Fundamentals of Blender Materials and Shading

Fundamentals of Texturing in Blender

Fundamentals of Digital Lighting in Blender

Fundamentals of Rigging: Learn How to Rig in Blender

Fundamentals of Animation in Blender

Modify: A Complete Guide to Blender Modifiers

As with most Humble Bundles, you decide how your funds are allocated between Humble, charity, the publisher and if you so choose (and thanks so much if you do!), to help support GFS using this link. You can learn more about the Blender Core Skills: The Ultimate Blender Basics bundle in the video below.

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