Godot 3.4 Released

While I know many of you are… groan… waiting for Godot 4, today we got a pretty exciting release of the popular open source game engine. Godot 3.4 is here and it actually contains a ton of interesting new features including many back ported from Godot 4 development including improved them editing tools, long awaited occlusion culling support and more. This release should make the wait that much easier for many of you.

Key Godot 3.4 features include:


Promote object validity checks to release builds
Large files support (> 2.0 GiB)
Frame delta smoothing and fixes
Improved input handling
Crypto: AES and HMAC contexts


Portal occlusion culling
ACES Fitted tonemapper
Ring emitter for 3D particles
Shader language features
More rendering improvements


Android: Scoped storage, Play Asset Delivery, input responsiveness
HTML5: PWA, Godot/JavaScript interface, AudioWorklet
macOS: Mono universal build, GDNative Framework, notarization


KinematicBody improvements in 2D and 3D
Faster and more reliable convex hull generation
Revamped collision layer grid in the inspector
Dynamic BVH for Godot Physics 2D
Improvements and new features in Godot Physics 3D

Assets pipeline:

Export 3D scenes as glTF
Lossless WebP encoding


Revamped UI theme editor
Localized class reference
General usability improvements

Be sure to check out the complete and more comprehensive release notes as well as the change logs linked below.

Key Links

You can learn more about the Godot 3.4 release including seeing the new Room based Portal System, GLTF exporting, improved theming tools and more in action in the video below. If you are interested in learning more about the Godot game engine, be sure to check out our Godot 3 tutorial series… which I suppose we may need to update soon eh?

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