Yesterday the cocos2d community announced the first coordinated release of the cocos2d products. What products comprise this family?
- CocosBuilder v3.0-alpha0
- cocos2d-html5 v2.1
- cocos2d-iphone v2.1-beta4
- cocos2d-x v2.1beta3-x–2.1.0
So what is the relationship between these products? Well, this gets a bit confusing… cocos2d is the original library, an Objective-C port of the original cocos2D Python library. cocos2d-x is the C++ port of this library. cocos2d-html5 is the JavaScript (HTML5) port, while CocosBuilder is… well, its new.
CocosBuilder is, in their own words:
CocosBuilder is a free tool (released under MIT-licence) for rapidly developing games and apps. CocosBuilder is built for Cocos2d’s Javascript bindings, which means that your code, animations, and interfaces will run unmodified on iPhone, Android and HTML 5. If you prefer to go native all the way, there are readers available for cocos2d-iphone and cocos2d-x.
Testing your game on a mobile device has never been quicker or easier, just install CocosPlayer on your device (or in Simulator) and CocosBuilder will push your code over wifi in just a few seconds. Hit the publish button and your game will be saved instantly to a html5 web page. CocosBuilder has a rich set of functions, including boned animations, nestling of interface files, support for multiple resolutions and automatic scaling of your assets.
Basically, they’ve bundled all the various products together into a standardized release. I’ve not had a chance to sit down with CocosBuilder, but it sounds like a cool idea. We have a number of Cocos2D HTML tutorials on this site if you are interested in seeing a cocos2D application in action.