Moving your game assets to and from the Unity game engine has become easier thanks to a pair of “new” addons supporting popular open formats. The first add-on is gltFAST and it supports important and exporting using the gltf open standard. The second add-on is OpenUSD, supporting the USD open standard. The OpenUSD package is very experimental and will need some more time in the oven before it is very useful. In addition to these two new addons, Unity has also released support for the KTX or Universal Basis texture formats via KTX for Unity.
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In addition to these new asset importer/exporters, there are other ways to get assets from the Unity game engine:
Moving From Unity to Unreal with Utu
Move From Unity to Godot in Minutes
You can learn more about the new Unity gltf and USD support and see it in action exporting to the Godot game engine and Blender in the video below.